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The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Rachel Brown

SGA Senate Judiciary releases order on SGA Chief of Staff

Rachel Brown April 21, 2015

The SGA Student Judiciary released an order on Tuesday, April 21 stating Chisolm Allenlundy will be the Chief of Staff for the 2015-2016 SGA term. The order states the judiciary board found Allenlundy...

​SGA now accepting applications

Katie Shepherd April 15, 2015

The Student Government Association is now accepting applications for director and standing committee positions. Over 80 positions are open for applications, which are available on the SGA website and close...

​Alabama Athletics to host human trafficking awareness week

Katie Shepherd April 15, 2015

Alabama Athletics will team up with the UA Center for Sustainable Service and Volunteerism, the National Consortium for Academics and Sports, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and the USOC Athletes Advisory Council...

3 student teams win business plan competition

Katie Shepherd April 15, 2015

Three University of Alabama student teams won The Culverhouse College of Commerce's 2015 Edward K. Aldag Jr. Business Plan Competition for their innovative business ideas. The winning ideas were Dash Cam...

Embrace your choices

Rachel Brown April 14, 2015

I’ve always loved the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, and I’m sure you are familiar with the over-quoted ending, “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled...

Dare to be Different

Katie Shepherd April 13, 2015

After four years at the Capstone, it is hard to believe that my time as an undergraduate is coming to an end. The things I have learned here and the people I have become close with will never be forgotten.Since...

New “Retrospective” website collecting student stories

Rachel Brown April 7, 2015

Creative Campus launched a new website last week called Retrospective, which is designed to be an aggregate of student, faculty and community voices and stories across the UA campus. Students are able...

​Apparel design students make Birmingham Fashion Week

Rachel Brown April 7, 2015

Ten apparel design students from the college of human and environmental sciences were chosen as finalists for the Birmingham Fashion Week Top 16 Emerging Designer Competition. The finalists include Paige...

​Capstone Inspiring Educator applications due

Rachel Brown April 7, 2015

Applications are currently being accepted for the Capstone Inspiring Educator Award, which is designed to honor high school teachers who have influenced or inspired current University of Alabama students...

Honor societies recognize inductees Friday

Honor societies recognize inductees Friday

Katie Shepherd April 6, 2015

Members of University of Alabama honor societies were recognized Friday during the annual Honors Day Tapping on the Mound ceremony, a long-standing University tradition. The Tapping on the Mound ceremony,...

​EY to host networking event

Rachel Brown April 1, 2015

EY, formally known as Ernst and Young, will partner with Veterans in Business to host a professional development event for University of Alabama students April 15. The goal of the event is to provide a...

​20-year-old psychology student dies

Katie Shepherd April 1, 2015

Corbyn Kelly Wile, a freshman majoring in psychology from Enterprise, Alabama, died March 18, according to a notification sent by the University. Wile was born Dec. 9, 1994, and was a member of Delta Zeta....

​Documenting Justice applications being accepted

Rachel Brown April 1, 2015

Applications are now being accepted for the Documenting Justice class. The class is a documentary film making class offered for non-TCF majors, and gives students the opportunity to look into social justice...

​Students to be given awards at Honors Day

Rachel Brown April 1, 2015

Select students from The University of Alabama will be awarded various awards tomorrow at the annual Honors Day ceremonies. Each college will host college-specific honors celebrations. The annual tapping...

Holle Media Writing Award

Rachel Brown March 26, 2015

The deadline for the Holle Media Writing Award is March 30, 2015. The contest is open to all University of Alabama students enrolled as undergraduates or graduates. To enter, students submit three single-authored...

​Counseling Center to hold Suicide Awareness Walk

Rachel Brown March 26, 2015

The Counseling Center will host a Suicide Awareness Walk starting at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 29. The walk starts at the Counseling Center, located near the law school, and continues to the Walk of Champions,...

Corolla to return after cancellation

Katie Shepherd March 11, 2015

The University of Alabama announced Monday it would publish a 2014-2015 edition of the Corolla yearbook for students, employees, alumni and parents, according to an email sent from UA News just before...

Spillers platform to focus on 6 tenets

Spillers platform to focus on 6 tenets

Rachel Brown March 9, 2015

After moving to numerous states and cities throughout his childhood, Elliot Spillers is finally able to call Alabama home. Spillers, the son of two Air Force parents, is a self-described “military brat.”“People...

Keller proposes numerous SGA initiatives

Keller proposes numerous SGA initiatives

Rachel Brown March 9, 2015

By Rachel Brown | News Editor Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and educated at an east coast boarding school, Stephen Keller said he has really been independent his whole life. As a young teen he secured...

UA professors co-author study on nutrient pollution of streams

Katie Shepherd March 8, 2015

Jon Benstead, associate professor of biological sciences, and Keller Suberkropp, professor emeritus in the department of biological sciences, co-authored a study reporting that nutrient pollution causes...

UA student released from sorority for use of racial slur

Katie Shepherd March 8, 2015

A member of UA sorority Chi Omega was released from her organization Wednesday evening after allegedly sending a Snapchat containing a racial slur. This follows a similar incident within Chi Omega last...

Spillers banner taken off ATO porch

Spillers banner taken off ATO porch

Rachel Brown March 5, 2015

Early Thursday morning, two unidentified men took a sign down from the front of the Alpha Tau Omega house. The sign was put up in support of Elliot Spillers, a candidate for president in the upcoming Student...

UA student released from sorority for Snapchat containing racial slur

Rachel Brown March 5, 2015

A member of a University of Alabama sorority was released from her organization and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct after allegedly sending a Snapchat containing a racial slur on Wednesday...

Student publications announce new leaders

Rachel Brown March 5, 2015

The Media Planning Board announced the new student leaders who will serve in top leadership positions with The Crimson White and Southern Historian, an annual graduate journal, for the 2015-2016 

Computer virus circulating through faculty emails

Rachel Brown February 23, 2015

Faculty and staff are being asked to refrain from opening any emails with the following subject lines: “Document Important,” “Important Document,” “Account Report” or “Fax sent.” OIT security...

36-year-old University of Alabama social work student dies

Katie Shepherd February 22, 2015

UA student Melina Dawn Steele died Wednesday, according to a press release sent Friday afternoon by Stacy L. Jones, associate dean of students. She was 36 years old and a distance learning graduate student...

Triathlon team accepting applications

Rachel Brown February 19, 2015

Alabama Triathletes, also known as Bama Tri, are now accepting applications for new members. The triathlon team is open to all students at The University of Alabama. According to the team ’s website,...

University Programs hosts Oscars viewing party

Rachel Brown February 19, 2015

University Programs will host an Oscars viewing party Sunday at 6 p.m. in Presidential Village. The 87th Academy Awards ceremony, hosted by Neil Patrick Harris, will be aired live on ABC starting at 7...

Screening of 'Selma' sells out Cobb Theatres

Rachel Brown January 20, 2015

Every seat was filled in theatre 16 at Cobb Theatres on Monday night. University of Alabama students were there to see a free screening of “Selma,” a recently released movie that details the life of...

Rec Center charges $4 each for shower towels

Rec Center charges $4 each for shower towels

Katie Shepherd January 15, 2015

Upon returning to classes after winter break, many students were surprised and angered to find the University Recreation Center no longer offers free use of 
shower towels.“As high as the tuition...

Crimson White to assume new leadership

Crimson White to assume new leadership

Katie Shepherd December 29, 2014

By Katie Shepherd | Assistant News EditorThis semester, The Crimson White will undergo some changes in leadership. In a letter sent to Chris Roberts, chairman of the Media Planning Board, on Monday, Dec....

Protest to be held for Brown

Rachel Brown December 3, 2014

University of Alabama students plan to gather on the first floor of the Ferguson Center Wednesday to protest the decision handed down 
regarding Michael Brown. Michael Brown was an 18-year-old male shot...

State reps respond to accusations

Katie Shepherd November 24, 2014

On Monday, Nov. 24, The Crimson White ran an article titled “Clash of Conservatives.” In the article, various members of the University of Alabama College Republicans were mentioned as having a part...

Clash of Conservatives

Clash of Conservatives

Katie Shepherd November 23, 2014

The University of Alabama College Republicans (UACR), a nationally-affiliated political student organization, split last week in what some have called an ongoing ideological struggle between two factions...

Bryce revisited: 168-acre acquisition will serve UA student growth

Bryce revisited: 168-acre acquisition will serve UA student growth

Katie Shepherd November 18, 2014

In the coming years, the historic Bryce Hospital will undergo some changes in its typical residents. The University of Alabama bought the 168 acres surrounding the 150-year-old building in 2010 to make...

Hoole welcomes students

Hoole welcomes students

Katie Shepherd November 17, 2014

The W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library is home to many rare items that are often not readily available to students in a typical 
library setting. To help students gain access to the many interesting...

Blount director discusses application process

Blount director discusses application process

Katie Shepherd November 4, 2014

Each year, between 80 and 100 incoming freshmen are accepted into the University’s Blount Undergraduate Initiative. The students then begin their undergraduate studies in a rigorous learning atmosphere...

Some students unable to vote after registering via SGA Voter Drive

Rachel Brown November 4, 2014

Tuesday, the day of general elections, some University of Alabama students who registered to vote through the SGA Voter Drive discovered they were ineligible to vote in Tuscaloosa. The drive was held in...

Urge Conference Coverage

Katie Shepherd October 27, 2014

Leaders from Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, a reproductive justice activism group based in Washington, D.C., hosted a three-day Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute on The University of...

Philanthropy Fundamentals: Greek members contribute to charities

Philanthropy Fundamentals: Greek members contribute to charities

Katie Shepherd October 21, 2014

University of Alabama sororities have raised over $460,000 for various national and local charities in the past year, said Hannah McBrayer, president of UA Panhellenic Association. “This is due in part...

Parking search difficult, even with pass

Parking search difficult, even with pass

Katie Shepherd October 16, 2014

Nina Danilyan lives off campus and loves Alabama football. She goes out of her way to attend every home game she can, but she said the stress of figuring out how to get to campus often overshadows the...

Relay for Life hosts first Oktoberfest at KA

Katie Shepherd October 15, 2014

By Katie Shepherd | Staff Reporter Relay for Life raises hundreds of thousands of dollars nationwide each year for the American Cancer Society through their main relay event, which usually occurs in...

UnlockED, HCA to host education career event

UnlockED, HCA to host education career event

Katie Shepherd October 13, 2014

UnlockED, a student organization founded last year with the goal of improving the teaching and learning environment in Alabama, will partner with the Honors College Assembly to host ExplorED: Pathways...

Four professors earn awards

Four professors earn awards

Katie Shepherd October 8, 2014

Each year, the National Alumni Association presents the Outstanding Commitment to Teaching Award to four professors to recognize their 
excellence in teaching. This year, the association’s selection...

Far from home, Combs finds independence at UA

Far from home, Combs finds independence at UA

Rachel Brown October 5, 2014

Rebecca Combs sat inside Bryant Denny Stadium Saturday, Aug. 16, with over 2,000 women 
anxiously waiting to finally open their bid 
day envelopes. At 10 a.m. the girls were given permission to open...

Tuscaloosa Transit service adds routes

Tuscaloosa Transit service adds routes

Rachel Brown September 30, 2014

The Tuscaloosa Transit service will continue to extend its service from the Intermodal Facility, the parking deck located downtown, to various stops around the University of Alabama campus. The city council...

Tide Talk emphasizes pivotal changes

Tide Talk emphasizes pivotal changes

Rachel Brown September 28, 2014

“Look at me now,” Aaron Brazelton said to a full audience in the Ferguson Theater. Brazelton, one of four speakers at the eighth Tide Talks speaker series, was speaking to “Mrs. Davis,” a previous...

Theatre to premiere comedy film

Katie Shepherd September 23, 2014

Total Frat Move dubbed “Mantervention” the “greatest raunchy sex comedy since ‘Wedding Crashers.’” The movie will premiere Thursday, Oct. 9 at the Bama Theatre along with only six other theaters...

UA Board of Trustees names female president

Rachel Brown September 22, 2014

The University of Alabama system made history Friday morning by selecting Karen Brooks to serve as the president pro tempore of the Board of Trustees for the next year. Brooks will be the first woman...

App seeks to make giving blood simple

App seeks to make giving blood simple

Katie Shepherd September 21, 2014

Becca Dodge, a senior majoring in psychology, recently lost her father after a seven-week battle with leukemia. If it weren’t for blood that had been donated at blood drives, she said, she wouldn’t...

Paul Finebaum to sign new book in Tuscaloosa

Paul Finebaum to sign new book in Tuscaloosa

Katie Shepherd September 14, 2014

SEC fans may rejoice to know Paul Finebaum, radio personality and author of “My Conference Can Beat Your Conference: Why the SEC Still Rules College Football,” will come to Tuscaloosa Friday as part...

Students take advantage of on-campus ring week

Students take advantage of on-campus ring week

Katie Shepherd September 14, 2014

For many students, receiving a class ring is an important part of the college experience. Though small, it represents four or more years of hard work that have gone into finally being awarded a diploma....

Heat in Bryant Denny on Saturday

Heat in Bryant Denny on Saturday

Rachel Brown September 9, 2014

Students and fans crowded into Bryant-Denny Stadium, eager for the first home game of the year. Nearly 15,500 students swiped into the game, and 100,306 tickets were sold, despite a forecast of afternoon...

Partnership formed between UA, Lockheed Martin

Partnership formed between UA, Lockheed Martin

Rachel Brown September 8, 2014

The University of Alabama Culverhouse College of Commerce officially announced its partnership to create a new data analytics lab with Lockheed Martin on Monday in Alston Hall. The analytics lab will be...

Students struggle to sit in Ferg

Students struggle to sit in Ferg

Katie Shepherd September 7, 2014

During lunch hours, many students are discovering that it is extremely difficult to locate somewhere to sit in the newly-renovated Ferguson Center. Rachel Barwick Gnemi, marketing coordinator for Bama...

37 groups petition for block seats

Rachel Brown September 2, 2014

More than three dozen student organizations presented their case for organized seating, or block seating, during football games in Bryant-Denny Stadium on Monday night. Thirty-seven groups highlighted...

UA strives to reduce waste

Katie Shepherd September 1, 2014

What happens to your waste when it is thrown into a recycling bin? At The University of Alabama, it is sent to a recycling plant in Birmingham along with around 1,650 tons of other plastic, paper and aluminum...

STEM path helps students work towards MBA

STEM path helps students work towards MBA

Katie Shepherd August 25, 2014

By Katie Shepherd | Staff Reporter Students with a clear focus on their learning path now have the chance to finish both their undergraduate and master’s degrees in less than the traditional six years...

New dance professor brings diverse styles to UA

New dance professor brings diverse styles to UA

Katie Shepherd August 24, 2014

On the third floor of Clark Hall, ?surrounded by towering windows overlooking Gorgas Library and the Woods Quad, you are likely to find Lawrence Jackson, the newest addition to The University of Alabama’s...

Students encouraged to attend Week of Welcome

Katie Shepherd August 19, 2014

Students will have 55 events to attend during Week of Welcome, hosted by University Programs.WOW is designed both to help new students get involved in the activities around campus and to begin the year...

Joe Scarbrough speak at Blackburn Symposium

Joe Scarbrough speak at Blackburn Symposium

Rachel Brown August 17, 2014

Joe Scarborough said he believes America’s greatest days are still ahead. Scarborough, the current host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and former U.S. Representative, spoke to students, fellows and community...

Talk show host to speak at Blackburn anniversary symposium

Talk show host to speak at Blackburn anniversary symposium

Rachel Brown August 17, 2014

Joe Scarborough, former U.S. Representative and current host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” will give the keynote lecture at the Blackburn Institute’s 20th Anniversary Symposium. The lecture will be...

A place to call home: Students living in houses, not apartments

A place to call home: Students living in houses, not apartments

Katie Shepherd August 17, 2014

When Sam Parker leaves each morning for his short walk to campus, he typically sees long lines of students in cars, all struggling to find parking and get to class on time. But he never has that problem....

Severe weather predicted for Tuscaloosa, safety precautions recommended

Rachel Brown April 29, 2014

The National Weather Service is predicting a threat of severe weather across areas of central Alabama, including The University of Alabama. The weather is expected to begin around late Tuesday afternoon....

Traveling stressful for students far from home

Rachel Brown April 23, 2014

For most students, the end of final exams means at least a few weeks of relaxation before summer jobs and internships start. But for Sirui Shao, the end of final exams is only a small step in the process...

UA students honored nationally

Katie Shepherd April 23, 2014

Each year, students from universities across the country are selected to receive various prestigious scholarship awards. This year, The University of Alabama had eight students who were chosen for three...

Firat Soylu to speak at annual graduate student symposium

Rachel Brown April 17, 2014

On Friday, the College of Communication will host Firat Soylu as the keynote speaker for the sixth annual graduate student symposium. Soylu, a postdoctoral fellow from Northwestern University, will present...

Event promotes assault awareness

Katie Shepherd April 16, 2014

Take Back the Night, an event promoting sexual assault awareness month, began with a protest on the quad Tuesday afternoon and ended with a series of speakers in Smith Hall. “There is a power on this...

Student campaign now national

Katie Shepherd April 16, 2014

Following the success of the LessThanUThink campaign against binge drinking over the last five years, the University of Alabama student group responsible for the program is now spreading the campaign to...

SGA now accepting director applications

Rachel Brown April 10, 2014

The University of Alabama Student Government Association is now accepting director and standing committee applications. There are currently more than 80 director positions available to students. Positions...

Public speaking students compete in Speak-Off

Katie Shepherd April 9, 2014

It seems to be a rite of attending college to, at some point, face a large crowd of your peers as a result of an assigned speech or presentation. Many dread speaking in front of other people, but others...

HALT fights against bullying, harassment in local schools

Rachel Brown April 3, 2014

For the last two years, Tuscaloosa City Schools has partnered with students from The University of Alabama Capstone Agency to strengthen the district’s anti-bullying campaign initiatives. Harassment...

SGA executive officers inaugurated for 2014-15

Rachel Brown April 2, 2014

The new executive officers for the University of Alabama Student Government Association took the oath of office Tuesday and were inaugurated for the 2014-15 academic year. The SGA officers for the upcoming...

Test banks challenge professors

Katie Shepherd March 19, 2014

Test banks, which store old copies of tests for students to reference while studying, can be a valuable resource. However, some professors and administrators frown upon the practice, and whether or not...

Networking site aimed at college students

Katie Shepherd March 18, 2014

Imagine a social networking site geared specifically toward college students where students can find out about events happening on campus. In just a few weeks, that site will become a reality. University...

Hundreds take part in Krispy Kreme Challenge

Katie Shepherd March 17, 2014

Running a mile on a stomach full of a dozen doughnuts might sound like a nightmare to most runners, but Krispy Kreme and Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Alabama held such a race in Tuscaloosa on Saturday....

Walk raises awareness for MS

Walk raises awareness for MS

Katie Shepherd March 10, 2014

Around the world, around 2.3 million people are thought to have multiple sclerosis, a disease that is neither contagious nor inherited. There are 6,500 people living with MS in Alabama and Mississippi...

All-day event debuts Disney-run hospitals

Katie Shepherd March 5, 2014

Besides the happiness the company tries to bring to adults and children alike, the Disney Corporation is well-known for its customer service. Disney works to make sure its customers are always satisfied...

Students, football players raise funds at UADM

Rachel Brown March 3, 2014

Trace Boyett was born with severe jaundice. With donations to the Children’s Miracle Network, Trace was able to have a special bassinet that ultimately saved his life. Today, he is eight. He has...

AIME provides space for businesse to incubate, grow

Rachel Brown March 3, 2014

The Alabama Innovation and Mentoring of Entrepreneurs building is a place where businesses grow and students’ minds are challenged at The University of Alabama. Located just across from Lakeside Dining,...

Panel talks black femininity

Panel talks black femininity

Katie Shepherd February 26, 2014

Elizabeth Rogers, a junior majoring in African-American studies, sat at table with four black women who said they proudly wore their natural hair. She described a situation where she was criticized for...

Internship teaches banking, social responsibility

Katie Shepherd February 25, 2014

The Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility is partnering with Regions Bank for a third year to offer the Financial Innovation summer internship. The eight-week paid summer internship in Birmingham...

Toastmasters provide public speaking practice

Rachel Brown February 13, 2014

You can find them in the back room of Rounder’s Bar on a Monday night. They will count your “ums,” ask you to step outside of your comfort zone, speak in front of the group and give feedback to your...

New UA professor teaches students history of science

New UA professor teaches students history of science

Rachel Brown February 13, 2014

Wednesday morning at 9 a.m., Erik Peterson was on the third floor of ten Hoor, writing the words “Social Darwinism” and “Eugenics” on the white board. He turned to the class for discussion. “What...

Unlocked UA holds Alabama charter school forum

Unlocked UA holds Alabama charter school forum

Rachel Brown January 28, 2014

Alabama is one of eight states in which the establishment of charter schools is illegal. Despite recent attempts to draft and pass charter school legislation, educators and politicians within the state...

HCA offers variety of programs

HCA offers variety of programs

Rachel Brown January 23, 2014

Home to many campus extracurricular programs, The University of Alabama Honors College attempts to create a place where ideas flourish into opportunities that improve the UA campus, community and student...

Leaders for Tomorrow scholarship awards worthy students

Rachel Brown January 9, 2014

When the recession hit, Steven Tice and his family thought they would not be heavily affected. But after a few months, businesses, including the one Tice’s dad worked for, began to feel the ripple effects....

Anxiety, stress can disrupt sleep

Anxiety, stress can disrupt sleep

Rachel Brown December 5, 2013

As finals week approaches and Gorgas Library opens its doors for 24 hours a day, students begin cramming for cumulative tests and comprehensive exams. Sleep, for many, becomes a thing of the past. In...

Program studies evolution, its importance to K-12 education

Program studies evolution, its importance to K-12 education

Rachel Brown November 25, 2013

Taylor Burbach, a junior majoring in anthropology, said she was not taught anything about evolution while in high school. It was in her textbook, but when it came time to cover that section, her teacher...

Big-name companies drawn to recruit at UA

Big-name companies drawn to recruit at UA

Rachel Brown November 21, 2013

Employers want talent. Travis Railsback, executive director of The University of Alabama Career Center, said employers want a talent pool they can continue to pull from to grow a successful company....

Meet the students behind Big Al

Meet the students behind Big Al

Rachel Brown November 20, 2013

He is the only cheerleader whose ears double the size of his head and the only elephant that walks on two feet. His eyes are always gleaming, his high-fives brighten your day, and no one else rocks out...

Dorms part of freshman experience

Rachel Brown November 19, 2013

Dorm life is an essential, even if mandated, aspect of the freshman year experience. But with the rapid development of on-campus housing, each freshman experience can vary depending on where students choose...

City Council votes to pause rezoning

Rachel Brown November 6, 2013

The Tuscaloosa City Council voted unanimously Tuesday evening to temporarily pause all residential rezoning and construction projects in the area surrounding The University of Alabama campus. The council...

Student finances focus of UA forum

Student finances focus of UA forum

Rachel Brown November 5, 2013

Student debt is a heavy burden for many college students today. On average, about 12 million students are receiving federal funding in some way and the nationwide total for student debt is something...

Student speech pioneer to speak at Ferg Theater

Rachel Brown November 5, 2013

Mary Beth Tinker, almost 50 years after the landmark Supreme Court case that ruled in favor of students’ First Amendment rights, is now traveling around the country to share her story and speak about...

SGA resolution calls for new indoor band facility

Rachel Brown October 23, 2013

Every Monday through Friday, rain or shine, you will find the Million Dollar Band on Butler Field when 5 p.m. rolls around. It is the same field the band has been practicing on since its inception in 1912....

Serbian fellowship fosters international dialogue

Rachel Brown October 23, 2013

When he was 15 years old, Aaron Brazelton went to Serbia for the first time, as one of six Americans selected to participate in an exchange program with Serbian youth. It was his first time leaving the...

Palmer Hall to be torn down, Mallet displaced

Palmer Hall to be torn down, Mallet displaced

Rachel Brown October 17, 2013

On a cool afternoon, students are found sitting on the porch outside Palmer Hall that residents have deemed “the stoop.” The window in the drawing room on the first floor is open to let in the fresh...

Student groups foster religious diversity

Rachel Brown October 10, 2013

Alabama is situated in the geographical center of what many people call the Bible Belt. Despite The University of Alabama’s location in what the Huffington Post called the “3rd Most Christian State...

UA grad appointed to U.S. Homeland Security position

Rachel Brown October 8, 2013

When recalling some of her favorite college memories, Huban Gowadia points to Snickers, Diet Coke and late-night lab write-ups with her friends. Her hard work and diligence paid off, and in 1993 Gowadia...