UA strives to reduce waste

STEM path helps students work towards MBA

New dance professor brings diverse styles to UA
Students encouraged to attend Week of Welcome

Joe Scarbrough speak at Blackburn Symposium

Talk show host to speak at Blackburn anniversary symposium
Traveling stressful for students far from home
UA students honored nationally
Firat Soylu to speak at annual graduate student symposium
Event promotes assault awareness
Student campaign now national
SGA now accepting director applications
Public speaking students compete in Speak-Off
SGA executive officers inaugurated for 2014-15
Test banks challenge professors
Networking site aimed at college students
Hundreds take part in Krispy Kreme Challenge

Walk raises awareness for MS
All-day event debuts Disney-run hospitals
Students, football players raise funds at UADM
AIME provides space for businesse to incubate, grow

Panel talks black femininity
Internship teaches banking, social responsibility
Toastmasters provide public speaking practice

New UA professor teaches students history of science

Unlocked UA holds Alabama charter school forum

HCA offers variety of programs
Leaders for Tomorrow scholarship awards worthy students

Anxiety, stress can disrupt sleep

Program studies evolution, its importance to K-12 education

Big-name companies drawn to recruit at UA

Meet the students behind Big Al
Dorms part of freshman experience
City Council votes to pause rezoning

Student finances focus of UA forum
Student speech pioneer to speak at Ferg Theater
SGA resolution calls for new indoor band facility
Serbian fellowship fosters international dialogue

Palmer Hall to be torn down, Mallet displaced
Student groups foster religious diversity
UA grad appointed to U.S. Homeland Security position

Housing task force asks to pause rezoning

Writing Center assists all students
Small organizations new focus of UA Homecoming

Champion Sports Medicine treats students, club athletes

The man behind ‘Celebrating Achievement’
ABC, local law authorities, UA work to enforce alcohol laws

New Campus Mail Service, center more student friendly
Student wins $10,000 for UA organization
Students travel abroad for culture experience
Board of Trustees approves new degree programs
New scholarship to honor UA alumna
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The Crimson White is the official student newspaper of The University of Alabama. The CW publishes continuously online, with an email newsletter distributed on Monday and Thursday throughout the academic year in addition to special gameday newsletters in the fall. The CW has proudly served the UA campus since 1894.
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The Actor’s Charitable Theatre, a community theater company for actors of all ages, held its first performance of the musical “Chicago” on Friday.
The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees appointed Sid J. Trant as chancellor of the UA System Friday. Trant has served as interim chancellor for the past 10 months, after the retirement of former chancellor Finis St. John.
The UA Bateman Team hosted the “Save Our Stories” exhibit in Reese Phifer Hall Wednesday to raise awareness about ongoing book restrictions in Alabama libraries.