Summer work key to successful career
Empathy the most important trait
Stop painting by the number
An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty
Alabama is not just OK
Sweet Home Alabama
UA changed me and I didn’t even know it
It’s more than just grades
Yik Yak and how a campus deals with Internet anonymity
What if the Machine can’t learn?
SGA needs to grow scholarship endowment, expand outreach
SGA stands with the Capstone in higher education funding
What really grinds my gears: going to a dentist’s office
Do we still have the right to make bad health care decisions?
College is a time to discover who you are
Championship teams deserve loyal fans
Hospitable nature hinders progress
Understanding rights key with police officers
Plan ahead, don’t let senior year catch you unprepared
Dear readers: @theuglytusk
The NFL plays better football
Wisconsin student journalist gives his take on Alabama Game Day
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The Crimson White is the official student newspaper of The University of Alabama. The CW publishes continuously online, with an email newsletter distributed on Monday and Thursday throughout the academic year in addition to special gameday newsletters in the fall. The CW has proudly served the UA campus since 1894.
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The Actor’s Charitable Theatre, a community theater company for actors of all ages, held its first performance of the musical “Chicago” on Friday.
The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees appointed Sid J. Trant as chancellor of the UA System Friday. Trant has served as interim chancellor for the past 10 months, after the retirement of former chancellor Finis St. John.
The UA Bateman Team hosted the “Save Our Stories” exhibit in Reese Phifer Hall Wednesday to raise awareness about ongoing book restrictions in Alabama libraries.