Senate installs FYC section in weekly SGA newsletter


Kayla Smith, Contributing Writer

The Student Government Association (SGA) Senate passed an act creating a First Year Council (FYC) portion of the weekly SGA newsletter at its meeting on Feb. 14.

The act was authored by Sen. Allison Bailey, a sophomore majoring in nursing and Sen. Brooks Payne, a sophomore majoring in communication studies.

“We want to make sure that everyone in SGA can see what the FYC is doing and participating in when we send the email out,” Bailey said. “We want them to get the recognition they deserve.”

The SGA newsletter contains details of weekly Senate meeting times and locations, events happening that week and recent initiatives passed through the SGA.

The act was passed unanimously by the Senate.

Order of Events

  1. A-04-19, An Act to Install a First Year Council Portion of the Weekly SGA Newsletter, was passed by the Senate.