Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Letter from the Editor | The importance of a word: Yes


In high school, I was one of those students who never wanted to hang out with friends or do anything outside of school in fear that my grades or involvement in extracurriculars would suffer. However, coming to college, I quickly learned I had to switch and become a “yes” woman. 

I remember the day my parents dropped me off and I was completely and utterly terrified. I knew not a soul at The University and worried about whether I would have any friends. My roommate had not moved in yet, and I felt lonelier than ever. 

After moving into Tutwiler Hall, it seemed to me like everyone was already best friends with their roommate and had an entire gaggle of girls with them at all times. I felt like the only one who didn’t have that. 

One night, my neighbors came over to introduce themselves and asked if I wanted to go get ice cream. After a long day of participating in sorority recruitment, all I wanted to do was lie in bed and call home. However, I recognized I didn’t have any friends and decided this would be the time to make them. 

This one event led me to understand the importance of saying yes. 

Shortly after this lesson, I became friends with a girl who asked, “Hey Maven, what if we got matching dinosaur tattoos?” Because of my newfound philosophy on life, I said, “Sounds like fun!” 

Thanks to that decision, I now have a funny story to tell of the time my best friend and I got a silly matching tattoo after knowing each other only a couple of days. 

We only get four years at the Capstone. While now that may seem like forever, it will go by faster than you can imagine. This is the place where you will meet your best friends, be offered endless opportunities and gain invaluable knowledge. 

Say yes to every opportunity imaginable. In the future, you will be eternally grateful that you made the memories that will last a lifetime. Go get that matching dinosaur tattoo with your new bestie!

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