SGA Presidential candidate Jared Hunter will regain his ability to campaign on Saturday, March 4 at 8 a.m. after the SGA Judicial Board lifted the campaign blackout ban imposed by the SGA Elections Board on Tuesday night.
The blackout on Hunter’s campaign was originally supposed to extend until Monday, March 6, giving Hunter only a day to campaign before students take to the polls to vote for the next SGA president on March 7.
The Elections Board enforced the blackout ban on Hunter’s campaign after finding him guilty of two major ethics violations and one intermediate ethics violations. The violations stemmed from a bar tab being opened at Hunter’s campaign kickoff event at Heat Pizza Bar.
After receiving the violations, Hunter sent an appeal to the SGA Judicial Board, among other University of Alabama organizations and administrations members, on Wednesday, March 1.
The appeal contained arguments and evidence from Hunter’s campaign refuting the ethics violations and implicating that the Elections Board could be biased against him.
The SGA Judicial Board lifted the campaign blackout in a ruling on Hunter’s appeal on Friday morning.