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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Reproductive justice must be reframed

Samaria Johnson April 13, 2014

Reproductive justice is firmly set in the women’s issues camp, which is understandable but also incomplete. It’s an issue that affects women, yes, but it’s not a women’s issue. When we talk about...

It’s time to defend Black Warrior from industrial pollution

Letter to the Editor April 13, 2014

On Jan. 9, Americans were shocked by the news that crude 4-MCMH was released from Freedom Industries into the Elk River, upstream of the West Virginia American Water intake and distribution center. By...

Congressional affairs are not significant to political performance

Regan Williams April 9, 2014

One of the bigger stories over this past week has been that a Louisiana congressman, named Vance McAllister, was caught kissing a woman who was not only not his wife but was also one of his staffers. These...

SGA resolution is pitiful PR move

Nathan James April 9, 2014

Our SGA Senate just made a symbolic concession to the goal of Greek integration. Tuesday night, SGA President Hamilton Bloom introduced a resolution almost identical to the one that the Senate allowed...

Think before you post to the Internet

John Speer April 8, 2014

As a columnist, I must be a glutton for punishment; otherwise, I would have learned long ago to stop reading the comments posted online in response to columns. More often than not, these comments are uninformed,...

New housing trend should help students

Leigh Terry April 8, 2014

The new motto of Tuscaloosa seems to be “bigger is better.” This translates to bigger dorms, bigger houses, bigger apartment complexes,and bigger rents. Much bigger rents. For your 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom...

Animal abandonment a problem in college

Letter to the Editor April 8, 2014

Every August when we come back to Tuscaloosa from our summer breaks, we are excited to see our friends that we have missed dearly, and we are excited to begin a new semester. As each academic year begins,...

Even if Machine still won’t learn, student body can

Patrick Crowley April 6, 2014

Prof. Horwitz’s opinion column last week in The Crimson White tactfully delineated the problems that have affected the University over the past year (school board elections, sorority integration and...

It’s time we rethink environmentalism, recycling

Cruise Hall April 6, 2014

Paper comes from trees, trees come from forests and forests eat carbon dioxide. It is with this logic that environmental crusaders wage war on the pulpwood industry and recycling evangelists preach the...

Do election rules even matter anymore?

Andrew Parks April 6, 2014

On March 21, the Student Government Association Elections Board released a decision on the penalty for election violations committed by newly elected SGA Vice President for Student Affairs Stephen Keller....