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The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Leigh Terry
Bending the arc

Bending the arc

Leigh Terry May 3, 2016

My first memory of senior columns is a feeling of anger at the dishonesty I saw in several of them. As a freshman, many of the seniors I admired wrote about how they wish they had partied more, spent less...

A proudly independent Greek

Leigh Terry March 28, 2016

I have hundreds of sisters on this campus right now, but I have thousands more if you count every woman of my chapter who has come before me, thousands more if you count every woman who has pledged herself...

Opposing Views: Campus Concealed Carry

Opposing Views: Campus Concealed Carry

Leigh Terry February 4, 2016

In response to the accelerating rate of mass shootings, particularly on college campuses, State Representative Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) has proposed a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit...

Opposing Views: Journalism/Telecommunications and Film merger

Leigh Terry November 23, 2015

The College of Communications and Information Sciences has recently announced the merger of two of its majors: journalism and telecommunication and film. This announcement has evoked a strong reaction...

Campus politicians: grow up

Leigh Terry November 2, 2015

This past week has been a return to my roots – not my hometown, but my roots in caring about campus politics. The revelations, real outrage, faux outrage and intervening apathy has brought me back to...

Opposing Views: Government subsidization of higher education

Leigh Terry October 1, 2015

The issue of the government's proper role in higher education has been a part of the presidential campaign platforms of candidates on both sides of the aisle, from Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio to Hillary...

For the love of language

Leigh Terry September 24, 2015

Laugh at me if you will, but today I am writing a column about writing.For as long as I can remember, I have adored the use of language: reading it, writing it and conversing in it. I have reveled in books...

Opposing Views: Should “Dixieland Delight” be played in Bryant-Denny?

Leigh Terry September 10, 2015

Tonight, the University of Alabama Student Government Association Senate will hold a meeting to debate whether they should support the song “Dixieland Delight” playing in Bryant-Denny Stadium. Upon...

Opposing Views: Is feminism for everyone?

Leigh Terry August 31, 2015

Last Friday, the University of Alabama Feminist Caucus (UAFC) held a rally titled “Celebrating Women.” Afterward, one of its attendees, anti-abortion proponent Ruth Bishop, posed this question to our...

Gamma Phi Beta fraud serves as cautionary tale

Leigh Terry July 15, 2015

This week my heart goes out to the women of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority. To be defrauded of $400,000 of the money you have worked hard to raise for your chapter house by an alumna you trusted is a truly saddening...

Opposing Views: SCOTUS decision sparks marital debate

Opposing Views: SCOTUS decision sparks marital debate

Leigh Terry July 1, 2015

Last Friday, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 opinion that same-sex couples cannot be denied marriage licenses anywhere in the United States and that each state is required to recognize the marriages of...

US Supreme Court's ACA ruling shows conservatism

US Supreme Court's ACA ruling shows conservatism

Leigh Terry July 1, 2015

For centuries politicians, pundits and common people alike have decried (often disingenuously) the rulings of so-called activist judges. They have oversimplified the role of the judiciary by implying that...

Murky history of building namesakes needs to be discussed openly

Murky history of building namesakes needs to be discussed openly

Leigh Terry June 17, 2015

At The University of Alabama, we live in the shadow of many complicated men. Former Alabama Governors David Bibb Graves and Braxton Bragg Comer as well as Dr. Josiah Nott and Sen. John Tyler Morgan were...

Rolling Stone failure must not stop activism

Leigh Terry April 8, 2015

Rolling Stone was careless. It was careless with its own reputation. It was careless with the reputation of its source. It was careless with the stories, struggles and experiences of thousands of assault...

Students have a duty to engage in healthy debate, not police speech

Leigh Terry April 6, 2015

Colleges are the intellectual hubs of America. College students have elected presidents, trained for the Civil Rights Movement and spawned the anti-Vietnam War movement, while their professors pushed at...

In wake of Selma, embrace equality

Leigh Terry March 11, 2015

The 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday was commemorated with much fanfare in Selma, Alabama, this past weekend. The coverage of this event focused on unity, bravery and understanding rather than on the...

Grounds use systems have improved, but lack of trust still pervades

Leigh Terry February 22, 2015

During my time here, I have seen The University of Alabama’s free speech policies from every angle: as a marcher in the unapproved “Final Stand in the Schoolhouse Door,” as an officer in Students...

Southern women face prejudice in job market, benefit from chivalry

Leigh Terry February 17, 2015

Southern hospitality and the village-protection mindset make the South the best place in the country to be a woman. Strictly stratified gender norms make the South the worst place in the country to be...

Fight not over despite progression

Leigh Terry February 5, 2015

On Feb. 9, Alabama will become the 37th state in the nation to issue same-sex marriage licenses. I am happily shocked; that’s 12 to 13 places higher than I predicted it would be on that list. Of course,...

America deserves more diverse Oscars

Leigh Terry January 21, 2015

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has spoken and there is not a single good movie about women or people of color. According to the Academy’s all-knowing authority, women did not star in...

Sorority letters should be shields against sexual assault, not targets

Leigh Terry January 6, 2015

According to a 2013 study done at Oklahoma State University, sorority women are 74 percent more likely to experience rape than non-Greek women. Some academicians have suggested this is due to their higher...

Decision to cut UAB football affects many

Leigh Terry December 2, 2014

The decision to end UAB football is about more than sports. It is about more than recruiting wars or a stadium. It is certainly about more than old grudges. This decision is also about employment, education...

Campus needs better sanctions

Leigh Terry November 18, 2014

The University announced two weeks ago that our campus would be smoke-free starting in 2015. This ban will apply to all indoor or outdoor spaces on university grounds. However, The University of Alabama...

Being stalked can negatively impact recipients physically, emotionally

Leigh Terry November 4, 2014

On my way to my fall break destination last week, I experienced my second instance of stalking in my life. I was driving south on a rural stretch of I-65 when an old, muddy pick-up truck pulled parallel...

Stay responsible over Fall Break

Leigh Terry October 28, 2014

Despite what the 80-degree temperatures may tell you, fall is here and with it, fall break. Fall break is a wonderful time to go home and enjoy the comfort and relaxation of family time or to set out...

Alabama politicians: You’re drunk, go home

Leigh Terry October 22, 2014

I have to admit, I laughed when I saw the news Monday that state Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard had been indicted on 23 class B felony counts. Most of those charges revolved around questions of how...

Civil War state pride should focus on sacrifices

Leigh Terry October 14, 2014

“Don’t blame me, I voted for Jeff Davis,” is a bumper sticker that can occasionally be seen around campus. This and other Confederate States of America memorabilia like the stars and bars flag are...

Advisers need better career training, knowledge

Leigh Terry October 7, 2014

I have a confession: I am “that girl” when it comes to advising. That girl who has had her DegreeWorks planned for graduation since freshman year. I book my advising appointment in the first weeks...

Assault victims should not be blamed

Leigh Terry September 30, 2014

Women’s issues, particularly those involving personal safety, have been at the forefront of the national discourse for months now. Because of this, I was surprised to open my Crimson White last Thursday...

NFL subsidies come with high moral price

Leigh Terry September 16, 2014

The National Football League has been in the headlines for several weeks because of controversies that have arisen far away from the gridiron. Ray Rice’s domestic abuse conviction and Adrian Peterson’s...

Prioritizing size creates fallout

Leigh Terry September 9, 2014

My first Bid Day as a new member of my sorority was filled with excitement. I jumped out of bed knowing new sisters awaited me. Over the course of my freshman year, I eagerly learned their names and the...

Thank you, University police department

Leigh Terry September 2, 2014

Tanks rolling down University Boulevard. Men with automatic weapons and Kevlar vests enforcing curfew outside of Presidential Village. Tear gas raining down on students peaceably gathered on the Quad. All...

How to approach Get On Board Day

Leigh Terry August 26, 2014

   The Get On Board Day tables, of course. This year there will likely be close to 400 student organizations, intramural sports teams, community vendors, and local civic and religious groups vying...

Degrees don’t get college grads jobs, opportunities do

Leigh Terry August 20, 2014

Freshmen, welcome to campus. I am one of the many people who will attempt to give you advice during your college career. I hope you receive my message before you stop listening. My counsel is for those...

Entitlement is an asset for millennials, not a curse

Leigh Terry July 29, 2014

There is rarely an article written about the millennial generation that fails to mention that we have a strong sense of entitlement. It has become conventional wisdom that every member of our generation...

If you want high-speed rail, ride it

Leigh Terry July 15, 2014

What two things do our nation’s capital and the capital of the European Union – Brussels, Belgium – have in common?The answer is: my presence over the last two summers and thriving, multi-faceted...

News more entertainment than information

Leigh Terry July 1, 2014

If you follow the news, you have probably noticed that it is increasingly becoming less of an informational medium and more of an outlet for entertainment. As consumers of information, we got tired of...

Nondiscrimination should include sexuality

Leigh Terry June 17, 2014

Bowdoin College recently made headlines for severing official ties with one of its student organizations, the Bowdoin Christian Fellowship, over its advisors’ unwillingness to sign a campus-wide nondiscrimination...

New housing trend should help students

Leigh Terry April 9, 2014

The new motto of Tuscaloosa seems to be “bigger is better.” This translates to bigger dorms, bigger houses, bigger apartment complexes,and bigger rents. Much bigger rents. For your 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom...

Healthy vending means more than water

Leigh Terry March 18, 2014

The University of Alabama and Bama Dining, in particular, have made great strides over the last few years toward expanding healthy eating options on campus. Dining halls now feature calorie counts prominently...

SGA would see stronger elections with an in-class voting reminder

Leigh Terry February 20, 2014

Spring is on its way, complete with “norts,” spring break planning, midterms and the threat of severe weather. Oh, and SGA elections. Did the 83 percent of campus who did not vote last year forget...

Greek diversity: Why not socioeconomic too?

Leigh Terry January 22, 2014

One of the reasons I chose the Capstone over other institutions of higher learning was my awareness and appreciation of the socioeconomic variety composed in its student body. I came to Tuscaloosa from...

And the Heisman goes to…

Leigh Terry January 8, 2014

… An exceptional athlete? The best football player in the country? A role model? A few of the most recent Heisman Trophy winners have raised the question of whether or not the winner can always meet...

Breaking the bubble matters

Leigh Terry December 2, 2013

College is often promoted as an opportunity to break out of the cliques and cliched labels we endured in high school and revel in creating a new identity among a wider circle of acquaintances. At The University...