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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Patrick Crowley

Above all, have empathy

Patrick Crowley April 21, 2015

By Patrick Crowley | Opinions EditorI don’t like to beat around the bush, and I’m not going to start on my 
last column.I remember the days after “The Final Barrier” article was printed in The...

SGA elections offer glimpse into changing climate of campus politics

Patrick Crowley March 25, 2015

Last spring, during the yearly SGA fervor, I wrote two columns that deserve to be rehashed. The first addressed how the SGA must save itself from irrelevance. The second, more importantly, addressed that...

Oklahoma's SAE provides Alabama lesson on empathy

Patrick Crowley March 11, 2015

Well, I never thought some other university’s greek system would manage to make national headlines for racial issues the same way the University did in Fall 2013. But The University of Oklahoma’s SAE...

SGA Election: Student Affairs, Executive Vice President and President

Patrick Crowley March 8, 2015

Today, in a rather packed edition of SGA election coverage, the candidates for Vice President for Student Affairs, Executive Vice President and President will be 
presenting their platforms.The Vice...

SGA candidates convey platforms

Patrick Crowley March 5, 2015

Today, the unopposed candidates for Vice President for External Affairs and Vice President for Financial Affairs will discuss their campaign platforms for 
SGA elections.The Vice President for External...

SGA candidates explain platforms

Patrick Crowley March 4, 2015

Until next Tuesday the Opinions page will feature the candidates for the executive positions of the Student Government Association daily. Today the candidates for Executive Secretary and Vice President...

Continue to talk about free speech

Patrick Crowley February 25, 2015

On Monday, The Crimson White ran a special edition about free speech on campus, or the lack thereof. Through restrictive “speech code” policies and Grounds Use Permits, the University is dampening...

Part 2: Alabama's deficit is The University of Alabama's problem, too

Patrick Crowley February 19, 2015

Last week, I explained how Alabama’s tax system and state constitution collects the least in taxes per capita and earmarks 90 percent of taxes collected. Because the state collects so little and is handcuffed...

Alabama's deficit is the University's problem too

Patrick Crowley February 12, 2015

For those unaware, the state of Alabama faces an immediate deficit of around $265 million with a longer-term $700 million due. Unlike the federal government, which can issue debt through various treasuries,...

The Capstone Creedless

Patrick Crowley January 28, 2015

I’ve taken several hundred tests in my lifetime, as we all have. I’ve also seen people cheat on tests hundreds of times, as you have seen too. The immense pressure to excel academically in hopes of...

Alabama can influence SEC

Patrick Crowley January 7, 2015

In October, President Judy Bonner was appointed to the selection committee for the new SEC Commissioner. Current SEC Commissioner Mike Slive is retiring in July after 13 years of growing the SEC, launching...

Empathy and a moral education dictate opportunities for the future

Patrick Crowley December 3, 2014

What is lost sometimes to each of us, including myself, in the doldrums of academics and the fun of social activities is that we, as students, are beyond lucky and fortunate to attend The University of...

It is perfectly fine for us to stay loud and supportive during games

Patrick Crowley November 19, 2014

Unlike any previous football games that I have attended during my tenure at the University, last Saturday’s beatdown of then-No.1 Mississippi State is differentiated by two visible factors. First,...

The university administration needs student input and cooperation

Patrick Crowley September 24, 2014

If you have attended The University of Alabama for long enough, you have more than likely developed the same learned helplessness that plagues the University and the state of Alabama. It’s as if society...

Think about life after college before it arrives

Patrick Crowley September 1, 2014

The cliché phrases abundant in life, while unexciting and lacking on the surface, quietly reveal great and potentially terrifying truths. The one cliché incessantly told to college students is that...

Welcome to the new year and new opinions page

Patrick Crowley August 19, 2014

? I am the architect of the Opinions Page. I do not build the opinions you will have the privilege to read throughout the year, I merely created the forum for a selection of diverse writers from all...

Different voices on campus welcome at The Crimson White

Patrick Crowley May 28, 2014

My name is Patrick Crowley and I have the exhausting challenge as the Opinions Editor of The Crimson White to generate conversation on campus through a selection of diverse opinions from all reaches of...

Learn from this academic year for a better next year

Patrick Crowley April 14, 2014

As this academic year is wrapping up and students are eagerly looking forward to their summer activities and next academic year, it is imperative that students reflect on their past year’s activities...

Even if Machine still won’t learn, student body can

Patrick Crowley April 7, 2014

Prof. Horwitz’s opinion column last week in The Crimson White tactfully delineated the problems that have affected the University over the past year (school board elections, sorority integration and...

UA does not need SGA if it fails to provide progress

Patrick Crowley March 18, 2014

A month ago, I wrote that the SGA must save itself from irrelevance by installing leadership with bold and progressive vision, especially female leadership. It was wishful thinking on my part, and I was...

Is a college education truly worth its cost?

Patrick Crowley March 3, 2014

In case you have not noticed lately, colleges across the nation are becoming increasingly more expensive every year – The University of Alabama included. I do not doubt that when the Board of Trustees...

UA’s quality of life will disappoint graduates

Patrick Crowley February 24, 2014

Since none of my fellow columnists have written about the issue of rapid growth on campus in recent weeks, it is thus incumbent on me to write about how this immense change affects the students at the...

SGA must save itself from irrelevance

Patrick Crowley February 12, 2014

The complete irrelevance of the current SGA administration compels me to believe that Jimmy Taylor is The University of Alabama’s version of Carmen Sandiego. Sandiego, however, has a purpose to be hidden,...

Addressing sexual assault in college

Patrick Crowley February 5, 2014

One of several omissions in President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address last week was the lack of commentary on his recent efforts to raise awareness on the sexual assault epidemic affecting...

Add/drop period should be lengthened

Patrick Crowley January 27, 2014

At the start of every academic semester, there is that brief period of time where students are allowed to switch classes and professors at the click of a mouse, touch of an iPhone or with the help of one’s...

Grade inflation hinders student, class progress

Patrick Crowley January 13, 2014

Every student in every high school and college around the world is constantly reminded that the single, most important quantity one can possess is a high, if not perfect, grade point average. Frankly,...

This season let’s show some empathy to those less fortunate

Patrick Crowley December 3, 2013

In the spirit of the seasonal holidays, maybe we need to have a conversation about empathy for fellow humans. As students pursuing higher education degrees, we will soon constitute the 30 percent of American...

University should not have to fund internships

Patrick Crowley November 4, 2013

Last week, Beth Lindly wrote an insightful column about how internships favor wealthier students who could afford unpaid internships in expensive cities such as Boston, L.A., Chicago, N.Y.C., etc. She...

In keeping with tradition, UA should confront current challenges

Patrick Crowley October 21, 2013

Since the beginning of the semester, The University of Alabama has received a gross amount of media attention concerning voter fraud allegations, sorority integration and the football team’s relentless...

The modern, extremist political scene will be a complete failure

Patrick Crowley October 7, 2013

In a depressing show of malfeasance, the Republican Party is holding the federal government at bay by refusing to compromise over their most hated legislation: Obamacare. This ultimatum thinking abound...

Now is the time to move entire campus forward

Patrick Crowley September 23, 2013

On the morning of Sept. 18, students, faculty and alumni stood united in front of Rose Administration Building and demanded an end to the segregation of The University of Alabama greek system. The stand...

Now is the time to move entire campus forward

Patrick Crowley September 23, 2013

On the morning of Sept. 18, students, faculty and alumni stood united in front of Rose Administration Building and demanded an end to the segregation of The University of Alabama greek system. The stand...

Advising at Bama is what you make of it

Patrick Crowley September 10, 2013

Every semester I have the immense pleasure of reading another column about how advising is terrible and insufficient for the complex needs of students. Ostensibly, the tremendous growth of The University...

It’s time to fight the war for education, challenging teachers

Patrick Crowley August 26, 2013

There seems to be a deficit in this nation – and I am not talking about the federal deficit. Rather, and depressingly, I am talking about the deficit of great teachers who push students to transform....

Summer is a time for internships, work experience

Patrick Crowley June 26, 2013

Summer for Alabama students is the ephemeral time between the beginning of scorching heat and fall football. For most students, it provides an abundance of opportunities in various countries, cities and...

A modest proposal for campus attire

Patrick Crowley September 27, 2011

In the present, students wear overly casual attire that does indeed send the wrong message to professors and classmates. I have a modest proposal for this sartorial problem. I say, for every pair of norts...