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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Alabama should support, pass an expungement law

Matthew Bailey February 27, 2014

Growing up in the state of Alabama, several things became apparent to me very early on. The most important of these was that the unofficial state motto was “thank God for Mississippi.” Unfortunately,...

State legislature abortion bills are absurd

Nathan James February 27, 2014

Alabama has a problem with choice. Over the past four weeks, our representatives in the House have approved bill after bill designed to make Christian sexual norms the common law. House Bills 31, 490,...

Nothing like a view from the cheap seats

Austin Barranco February 26, 2014

Alcohol sales are not allowed at SEC sporting events, which is unfortunate because many other colleges and conferences have used alcohol sales to enhance the atmosphere of their ball games. The University...

Responding to “State gun laws prompt debate”

Letter to the Editor February 26, 2014

I have been a concealed-carry permit holder in the state of Alabama for almost three years now. I typically exercise the right to arm myself whenever and wherever it is legal. Sadly, this right does...

Students should not lose passion for free speech

Maxton Thoman February 26, 2014

Since late November of last year, the streets of Kiev have been overrun with protesters feverishly fighting the oppression of not only their Ukrainian government, but alsop arguably the vast reaches...

An open letter to The Capstone’s Parking and Transportation Services

Michelle Fuentes February 25, 2014

Dear Parking and Transportation Services, In all of elementary, middle and high school, I was never allowed to be a hall monitor. From a very young age I showed extreme attention to detail and a great...

Realities dictate athlete orientation is important to us

Noah Cannon February 25, 2014

The landscape of LGBTQ athletes in professional sports in the United States is changing with what seems like an increasingly rapid pace. Gay-identified basketball player Jason Collins and gay-identified...

State legislature bill redundant, ineffective

Henry Downes February 25, 2014

Election-year pandering by state politicians is not usually newsworthy, but a recent effort to “reinforce” religious freedoms in Alabama schools by state Sen. Gerald Allen (R-Tuscaloosa) is so hopelessly...

Our View: Transparency is necessary

Our View February 24, 2014

Over the past several years, The University of Alabama has lost sight of the importance of a marketplace of ideas. The University’s actions against both the Alabama Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive...

SGA should include electoral college

Cruise Hall February 24, 2014

Campaign season is upon us, so prepare to be bombarded with quarter sheets and handshakes from kids who know your facebut can’t quite recall your name. Enjoy the jubilee while it lasts, though. A season...

UA’s quality of life will disappoint graduates

Patrick Crowley February 24, 2014

Since none of my fellow columnists have written about the issue of rapid growth on campus in recent weeks, it is thus incumbent on me to write about how this immense change affects the students at the...

Tattoos should not affect perceptions of professional quality

Beth Lindly February 20, 2014

“Be yourself.” “Live your dreams.” “Follow your heart.” As Americans, we are daily bombarded with sayings and clichés reminding us to pursue that good old American dream of success and individuation....