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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


The University should loosen restrictive SGA campaign legislation

Nathan James February 20, 2014

If you’re a new student who’s thinking of seeking out opportunities in student government, you’re in luck. Our student handbook tells us that SGA elections are for any student who meets a modest...

SGA would see stronger elections with an in-class voting reminder

Leigh Terry February 20, 2014

Spring is on its way, complete with “norts,” spring break planning, midterms and the threat of severe weather. Oh, and SGA elections. Did the 83 percent of campus who did not vote last year forget...

Let’s get more off-campus Dining Dollar options

Erynn Williams February 19, 2014

It’s a Wednesday night, you’re sitting in your room starved, and you’re all out of meal plan swipes. Do you order Domino’s for the sixth time this month? Do you go to Buffalo Phil’s for the second...

Alabama faces a crisis of health care access

Maxton Thoman February 19, 2014

Believe it or not, there is a republic where obesity alone leads to the spending of $147 billion annually. The land of the free and the home of the large, where the proportion of obese citizens hovers...

Protect speech regardless of political views

John Speer February 19, 2014

Although I’ve thrown my fair share of rocks at the tactics of certain groups on campus, I do not hide my hand, nor do I present my commentary as value neutral and objective. More often than not, there...

UA hinders student growth with faulty speech code

Andrew Parks February 18, 2014

A few days ago, Claire Chretien, president of Bama Students for Life, appeared on Fox & Friends, Fox News’s morning program, to discuss the removal of her organization’s poster from a display case...

Calls to boycott Israel based in false history

Rich Robinson February 18, 2014

While most students probably don’t care much about what happens at academic conferences, we should probably start paying attention to one major development that is shocking and wrong. A few months...

Low participation in SGA elections a disservice to UA

Victor Cuicahua February 18, 2014

2014 will be a big year for the University. During the past year, whispers across campus have focused on one message: change. SGA elections in 2014 will measure just how committed the student body is...

Clarifying the legal mess surrounding the BSFL poster removal

Matthew Bailey February 17, 2014

The First Amendment right to free speech is not absolute, and this is especially true when discussing students’ rights. The Supreme Court’s decision in Tinker v. Des Moines makes clear that administrators...

How the University arbitrarily silenced free speech for students

Claire Chretien February 17, 2014

Last week, The University of Alabama recently displayed a chilling willingness to completely disregard students’ rights to free speech just because some UA students found Bama Students for Life’s display...

Drawing a line in the sand for offensive and grotesque speech

Nathan James February 17, 2014

Last Wednesday, I had the pleasure of not walking past aborted fetuses on my way to lunch. For some time, a yellow tri-fold display, covered with vague moral assertions and images of underdeveloped, disembodied...

Binge drinking is no laughing matter

Mary Sellers Shaw February 13, 2014

Editor's Note: The parody Twitter account mentioned in this letter has since been edited and no longer includes the description quoted by the letter's author. It seems that Tuscaloosa restaurant T Burger...