The Culverhouse Business School recently launched the Executive Business Council, or EBC, comprised of students in the college appointed by Dean J. Michael Hardin. The council serves to foster growth in relationships among faculty and students in the school.
Business students can communicate with administrators and faculty in the college through monthly newsletters and meetings. The meetings will be led by the council and are open to students in the college. The EBC will hold elections for the second year of its council.
“The Executive Business Council will enhance communication between C&BA students, faculty and administrators,” said Matt Harris, president of the EBC. “The EBC will keep students aware of opportunities and resources that are available to them as well as keep students informed on decisions that are being made in the business school.”
Although the original launch was brought about in part by the SGA, the council will operate separately, according to a press release by SGA.
David Wilson, SGA vice president of student affairs and a member of the EBC, has a vision for UA that he hopes to enact by April 2012.
Wilson is currently working with students and deans of each of the University’s colleges in formulating plans for a council in each. Wilson is a co-founder of the EBC and proposed the formulation of the Capstone Collegiate Council.
“The Capstone Collegiate Council will operate under its own set of codes and policies, but the idea is the council will provide access and communication between colleges and student and faculty in each college,” Wilson said. “The colleges are generally very receptive of students, but the council can help strengthen that communication.”
Wilson encourages students to get involved with the collegiate council. Time management and an established presence on campus via SGA have helped Wilson and others on the council to actively promote the Collegiate Council.
Each singular college council will hold separate meetings and will decide independently how to operate, as does the EBC, but will come together in one combined council as well.
Some colleges, such as the College of Communication and Information Sciences, already have councils similar to the EBC.
Hardin and David Heggem, Jr., associate dean of undergraduate programs, and Mark Nelson, vice president for student affairs and vice provost, have all served as advisors for the EBC and plan to for the Collegiate Council.
The SGA vice president of student affairs and the vice president of academic affairs will be involved in the installation of the Capstone Collegiate Council but will not have any overall power in the council.
According to an SGA press release, this year’s EBC consists of President Matt Harris, Executive Vice President Patrick Dennison, Vice President of Programming Sarah Elizabeth Heggem, Vice President of Financial Affairs Scotty Barter, Director of Communications Abby Grace Brown and Secretary Lauren Whitten.
Students interested in running for their respective college’s council should watch for announcements via email.