Gorgas renovations spark creativity


Kinsley Centers, Staff Reporter

Renovating is a great idea when thinking of the finished product, but the actual process can be less glamorous. When stepping into the Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library this summer, the view is filled with plastic wrap, construction tape and temporary walls.

But, the faculty and staff at the library proposed a more interesting view for visitors.

When stepping into the library, visitors can admire the temporary walls donning the painted artwork created by students. These paintings bring liveliness to the area and act as a reminder that the renovations will be worth the wait in the end.

Emily Burnett, an events coordinator for the University, said they wanted to remain having a welcoming and open environment for students to visit so they decided to brighten up the renovation area. The students, faculty and staff kicked off the positive art décor by leaving their personal mark on the temporary walls for all to see. Those that participated stamped their handprints and signed their names to add a pop of color to the wall.

“We just kind of decided that it would be fun to reach out to students and allow them to create visual art projects, kind of just to display their work and also to brighten it up around here as we were going through all of the renovations,” Burnett said.

Burnett said they wanted to encourage students to create a variety of types of art. When walking through the construction area, visitors can admire the wall of handprints, larger paintings students created and the “Letters about Literature” wall that was created by graduate students. All supplies to make these creations come to life were available for students.

“It gave the students a chance to sort of experiment or do some of their artwork and kind of practice and they enjoyed it as well,” Burnett said.

Donna Adcock, the director of public relations for University Libraries, said the library is proud to showcase the student’s paintings during the renovations as it brightens the staff and visitor’s day when passing through.

“We were pleased that we could offer a venue for them to show their talent,” Adcock said.

The renovations at the Gayle Gorgas Library may still be taking place, but the faculty and staff are keeping it positive by shedding a light on creativity. The library plans to continue to host events during the summer II semester as they hosted the “First day of Summer II” on July 2, where students could mingle, enjoy snacks and get familiar with the library.

The Gorgas Library staff wants to keep students up-to-date on the renovation process, so they created a blog to keep everyone involved during the journey of the renovations. Along with pictures of the renovations, the blog also includes upcoming events that will be hosted at Gorgas.

Click here for the library blog and renovation updates.