Lecture on slavery brings in professors from other institutions


Andrew Littlejohn, Contributing Writer

Leslie M. Harris, professor of history at Northwestern University, will present a lecture on March 21 entitled “Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies.” This event will also provide an environment where students can interact with professors who are coming to The University of Alabama for the lecture.  

Who: The College of Arts and Sciences is sponsoring the event. It is open to all.

What: This event will bring in professors from around the country, all at the top of their fields, to the University for Harris’s talk on “Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies.”

When: Thursday, March 21 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Where: Tuomey Hall

Why: Fred Whiting, associate professor and director of the Blount Scholars Program at the University, said students who want to improve their understanding of slavery should come to the event.

“Knowledge of slavery is useful for all students because it is a part of our legacy, not only here in Tuscaloosa and in Alabama, and in the South more broadly, but in the entire United States,” Whiting said.