Q&A with Allison Bailey, vice president of Academic Affairs candidate


Amber Boswell, Contributing Writer

Q: Year, Major, Hometown:

A: I am currently a sophomore from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, enrolled as a student in the Nursing College.

Q: How did you originally get involved with SGA, or if you’re not currently involved, what made you want to get involved?

A: I first started my career in SGA through serving as a First Year Councilor last year. I continued to serve students at the University through my current position as a senator representing the Capstone College of Nursing.

Q: What made you want to run for this position?

A: I am running for vice president of Academic Affairs because I have a passion for serving students. Growing up in Tuscaloosa, I have developed a deep connection and love for this

University. I hope that if elected as VPAA, I will be able to continue to better the experience that all students have while attending The University of Alabama. I have many ideas that I believe are achievable that will promote a positive change for all students, and that is why I am running to be VPAA.

Q: What makes you the best choice for the office?

A: I believe that I am the best fit for VPAA because I have a passion for servant leadership and the experience of being an elected student representative in SGA. This past year serving as a senator for the Nursing College has gifted me with experience, and my legislative history shows that I will support projects and initiatives that will help excel the University.

Q: What is the biggest problem you see on campus?

A: The biggest issue I see on campus is the lack of support for sexual assault survivors. The SAFE Center in Tuscaloosa is doing tremendous work, providing patient-centered care and additional resources for sexual assault victims. I hope that as a university, we can further support the work that the SAFE Center is doing. College students are already at a heightened risk for experiencing sexual assault, with approximately 11.2% of all students experiencing sexual assault during their college careers. I will strive to one day make our campus a sexual-assault free environment and will do so through expanding the SGA SAFE Center committee, which I helped establish during my time in Senate. I also will advocate for SGA to demonstrate support for all students and the SAFE Center through fundraising efforts and awareness campaigns.

Q: What do you hope to change?

A: There are many areas of life on campus that I believe can be improved, with one being increasing student knowledge about the Study Abroad Portal by working with the Education Abroad Program. Most students don’t understand how to input requests so that classes taken abroad are allocated to UA credit, and increasing awareness of the portal will encourage a larger number of students to experience new cultures. l also would like to add scholarship opportunities for students studying abroad, as financial issues often hold students back from pursuing international experiences. These are just a few of my ideas that I have to better our campus’ resources and the lives of students.

Q: What is one last thing you want the voters to know about you?

A: I want the voters to know that I will work for all students at the Capstone and advocate for their needs in student government. Don’t forget to Achieve with Allison on March 7th.