The University’s SGA held “Share a Swipe” week last week, in which students were encouraged to donate guest meal swipes for the “Got Meals?” program. This program is a division of the University’s Office of Student Care and Wellbeing, and uses donated guest meal swipes to distribute to students in need.
Charlie Steinmetz, a junior majoring in mechanical engineering currently serving as the SGA vice president for financial affairs, was at the helm of “Share a Swipe” week. Since the program’s inception in 2010, 2,949 meal swipes had been collected prior to last week. Last week 3,390 meal swipes were collected.
“[It] blew my mind,” Steinmetz said of the large number of swipes collected.
Students who have meal plans are allowed to donate one guest swipe per semester. After an application and review process,The Office of Student Care and Wellbeing, through the “Got Meals?” program, distribute swipes in groups of seven to students.
Steinmetz said Bama Dining provided flow charts of the busy times for each dining area on campus and permitted the SGA to set up tables at their dining halls to encourage students to assist “Got Meals?”
Looking forward, Steinmetz said in order to maximize the number of meals received and being disbursed, he plans to scheudle “Share a Swipe Week” a week or two after Spring break and before dead week, in order to have more members of SGA available to work and also to help as many students as possible.