On Tuesday, voters named Rob Grady as the latest senator for the graduate school and voted against the constitutional convention resolution.
In order to pass, the resolution to create a constitutional convention to rewrite the SGA Constitution needed a 9/13 majority, or roughly 69 percent of the vote. According to the results posted on the vote.ua.edu website, 40.08 percent of students voted for the resolution while 59.92 percent voted against it.
After hearing about the results, the Roth administration put out the following release:
“The proposition of a constitutional convention appearing on the ballot during the Homecoming election was an opportunity for the student body to take ownership of restructuring and rewriting the SGA constitution. President Roth feels strongly that the vote was integral to the inherent purpose of the convention: Providing students with the chance to engage more substantively with their student government. Undoubtably, we stand with the voters and with the students. Rarely does the opportunity come along to allow all members of the Capstone community to participate in policy discussions that relate to the identity and structure of SGA, tangential to annual elections. Today was one of those occasions. And the Roth Administration wholeheartedly appreciates and admires the participation of students in this important vote. We will continue to work with other parts of SGA and the student body to accomplish many of the goals and policy changes we see as essential to improving the effectiveness of our student government.”