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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

College stress deteriorates mental health

William Evans January 19, 2011

The environment of college life can trigger emotional disturbances in some students who will contemplate suicide as an escape mechanism from the troubles they are facing, said Margaret Garner, director...

MBA program ranked 34th in national survey

William Evans January 12, 2011

The Manderson Graduate School of Business at the University of Alabama ranked 34th among public institutions, according to a new ranking of MBA programs developed by John Byrne, former editor of Business...

University’s rank drops in national public education list

Charles Scarborough January 11, 2011

The University of Alabama ranked 82nd on Kiplinger Magazine's "Best Values in Public Education" list, ahead of 96th-ranked Auburn University but behind six other Southeastern Conference schools. In the...

Cyclists have a foldable alternative through Green Zone Bikes

Anna Kate Delevan November 5, 2010

Students and travelers now have an alternative to leaving a bicycle out in the rain or chaining it outside of a building. Green Zone Bikes, a company in Houston, TX specializes in bicycles that are easily...

Obama discusses student issues

Obama discusses student issues

Hannah Mask September 28, 2010

President Barack Obama hosted a conference call Monday across the nation with college  and university student journalists in order to address issues pertaining to their generation and provide them with...

Student veterans talk about end of Iraq war

Jaley Cranford September 1, 2010

President Barack Obama declared an end to the Iraq conflict mission in his address to the nation on Tuesday. During the prime-time address from the Oval Office, Obama voiced his support for those who gave...

ATO honored by national board

ATO honored by national board

Sydney Holtzclaw September 1, 2010

After four years of working to be the best, the 2007 pledge class of the Beta Delta chapter of Alpha Tau Omega achieved their goal of being named Top Chapter by the National Alpha Tau Omega Board. ATO...

Natter speaks about Foreign Service

Ashanka Kumari September 1, 2010

For about 20 students, Room 300 of the Ferguson Center was a gateway to international opportunities Tuesday afternoon. Foreign Service Officer John Natter delivered a speech about how a student can enter...

UA student discusses her Katrina experience

UA student discusses her Katrina experience

Ethan Summers August 31, 2010

Aug. 29 marked the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall at New Orleans. Taylor Miller, a senior majoring in management and a New Orleans native, was living in the city as the storm made...

UA ranked in national survey

UA ranked in national survey

Amanda Sams August 24, 2010

U.S. News and World Report‘s annual college rankings placed the University 34th among public universities nationally and 79th among all universities, both public and private, according to a UA news...

Student helps organize benefit concert

Student helps organize benefit concert

Chelsea Pickett July 15, 2010

As a dockhand at the Gulf Shores Marina in Fort Morgan, I have seen the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill firsthand. I can't even begin to describe the helplessness I have felt while watching...

New law requires notation of textbook changes

Ethan Summers July 1, 2010

If you’ve ever wondered why you have to buy the expensive new edition of a textbook instead of a much cheaper older version, your professors will be able to tell you beginning today. A provision of...