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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Dismukes runs for Republican position

Dismukes runs for Republican position

Mackenzie Ross February 3, 2015

On Jan. 21, University of Alabama student Dalton Dismukes announced his decision to run for chairman of the College Republican Federation 
of Alabama.Dismukes, a junior majoring in political science,...

Ousted UACR board supported by both versions of club's constitution

Andrew Parks December 2, 2014

Many students took note last week when an article entitled “Clash of Conservatives” appeared on the front page of The Crimson White, detailing a controversial election in a College Republicans meeting...

Old UACR leaders contradict values

Joe Puchner November 24, 2014

After reading the front-page article that ran Monday, “Clash of Conservatives,” which documented the “ongoing ideological struggle between two factions of the [UA College Republicans],” it seems...

State reps respond to accusations

Katie Shepherd November 24, 2014

On Monday, Nov. 24, The Crimson White ran an article titled “Clash of Conservatives.” In the article, various members of the University of Alabama College Republicans were mentioned as having a part...

Justice talks with College Republicans

Justice talks with College Republicans

Matt Mecoli October 5, 2011

Last night the Ferguson Center Forum was packed with members of the College Republicans eager to hear Alabama Chief Justice Chuck Malone speak about his campaign for election and his life experience. ...

Political activist to speak at University

Jessica Ruffin September 26, 2011

The College Republicans, Black Student Union and the University of Alabama NAACP have partnered together to host political activist K. Carl Smith to speak tomorrow night at 6 p.m. in Lloyd Hall Room 38....

CW objective about Ron Robinson

Letter to the Editor February 3, 2011

In a Jan. 31 letter to the editor, a student wrote that he was "disgusted" by what he perceived to be a lack of objectivity in an article that had appeared in the CW on Jan. 21. This accusation is completely...

Speaker supports young Republicans

Bethany Blair January 21, 2011

? Forty-two percent of Americans consider themselves Republicans, said Ron Robinson, president of the Young America’s Foundation, but although some of the country is behind them, young conservatives...