Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

All content by Letter to the Editor

Baseball holds on to romance, leisure lost in modern athletics

Letter to the Editor April 15, 2014

It’s just a couple of weeks after opening day in Major League Baseball, and it’s hard not to feel the romance of the game. It’s a time when hopes haven’t yet been crushed, when we still think that...

It’s time to defend Black Warrior from industrial pollution

Letter to the Editor April 14, 2014

On Jan. 9, Americans were shocked by the news that crude 4-MCMH was released from Freedom Industries into the Elk River, upstream of the West Virginia American Water intake and distribution center. By...

Football unions will destroy college athletics

Letter to the Editor April 10, 2014

Since the recent National Labor Relations Board ruling that Northwestern University’s football players are technically employees of the university and thus can form a union, people are questioning the...

Animal abandonment a problem in college

Letter to the Editor April 9, 2014

Every August when we come back to Tuscaloosa from our summer breaks, we are excited to see our friends that we have missed dearly, and we are excited to begin a new semester. As each academic year begins,...

SGA Senate made wrong call on recent vote

SGA Senate made wrong call on recent vote

Letter to the Editor April 3, 2014

It was just last September when President Judy Bonner said, regarding Greek system integration at The University of Alabama, “I am empowering our students to do the same thing that our students did 50...

Throwing the flag on Tuesday’s SGA elections

Letter to the Editor March 17, 2014

My dad has a saying that he has used for as far back as I can remember. As a former lineman for Coach Bryant, it’s safe to say football has been a significant part of his life. Anytime Dad knows that...

Responding to “State gun laws prompt debate”

Letter to the Editor February 26, 2014

I have been a concealed-carry permit holder in the state of Alabama for almost three years now. I typically exercise the right to arm myself whenever and wherever it is legal. Sadly, this right does...

Real suffering is not something Americans should support

Letter to the Editor February 12, 2014

While there is very rarely any occasion to get riled up over a sports page in a student newspaper, the recent Crimson White article by Caroline Gazzara on the Sochi Winter Olympics is notable in its lack...

Remembering Juston Martin

Letter to the Editor February 6, 2014

The first memory I have of Juston Martin comes from a middle school football practice in 2005 when we were both in eighth grade. This was a long time ago, but I wanted to highlight this memory because...

What is suitable for a science class?

Letter to the Editor February 6, 2014

Yesterday’s debate between Ken Ham, creationist,  advocate and founder of the Creationist Museum, and Bill Nye the Science Guy posited the question, “Is creationism a viable model of origins in today’s...

In response to ‘Buffer zone at anti-abortion protests is the least that can be done’

Letter to the Editor February 6, 2014

I’m writing in response to “Buffer zone at anti-abortion protests is the least that can be done” by Samaria Johnson. Ms. Johnson made a number of untrue claims that, as someone who spends time outside...

In response to ‘Freedom of religion does not guarantee exemption from law’

Letter to the Editor January 13, 2014

In the column “Religion does not guarantee exemption from law” last week, Matthew Bailey noted that “in order for…groups that have challenged the mandate to succeed, they must prove these businesses...

Saban’s wisdom can apply to academics

Letter to the Editor November 26, 2013

You don’t have to be part of our storied Alabama football team – or even ever picked up a football – to appreciate the words of wisdom of coach Nick Saban. Whether he’s on press conferences or...

Philanthropy just one example of fraternal integrity

Letter to the Editor November 25, 2013

It’s an unfortunate truth that the essence of what a fraternity embodies has been lost in today’s society. Through the perpetuation of certain fraternity stereotypes by the media and the entertainment...

The cost of not studying abroad

Letter to the Editor November 25, 2013

Three weeks from now, I’ll be changing my educational status from University of Alabama student to alumna. It seems the closer I inch toward Dec. 14, the more hours I spend reflecting on my time here...

Mallet: Learning from our mistakes

Letter to the Editor November 11, 2013

On the very first Friday of this semester, long before the events of September, reporters from Vice Magazine came to the University while Mallet was running an Open Mic Night (a publicly open talent show)....

Male response to domestic violence is disheartening

Letter to the Editor October 28, 2013

The month of October is known for bringing cool, crisp football weather and the excitement of Halloween. The lesser known significance of this month is the many awareness campaigns that it hosts: breast...

Bicycle Bedlam

Letter to the Editor October 24, 2013

I applaud the attention you’ve recently given to the obvious problems surrounding bicycle parking and bike culture on this campus. What your recent article “Bicycle Bedlam” didn’t mention was that...

An open invitation to the University

Letter to the Editor October 23, 2013

On Monday, former Mallet president Marina Roberts brought campus-wide attention to what we, in Mallet, put up with on a daily basis. Perpetual harassment seems to follow those who dare to be different...

Red John is probably the Machine

Letter to the Editor October 23, 2013

Who has been watching CBS’s “The Mentalist” this season? If you haven’t, allow me to fill you in on television’s most intense and suspenseful who-done-it ever. As loyal fans will know, our tragic...

Harassment of Malleteers: what else is new?

Letter to the Editor October 22, 2013

As a UA alum and proud Malleteer, I was shocked, though not the least bit surprised, to hear of Mari Baroff’s experience on the steps of Palmer Hall at the hands of some intoxicated and entitled pledges...

An open letter to the boys of the street

Letter to the Editor October 17, 2013

Editor's Note: The following column contains language that may be offensive to some readers.   This is a letter to the boys who helped me parallel park only to say, “Now we flip a coin to see what...

Re: ‘The University should help better the state of Alabama’

Letter to the Editor October 15, 2013

Last Wednesday, columnist Will Gonzalez railed against UA students’ general lack of civic engagement, largely criticizing the efforts of Honors students. It is curious that Gonzalez decided to single...

California transgender laws are the right step

Letter to the Editor October 14, 2013

When an ultra-conservative family member awkwardly breaks the news of a major progressive legal advancement, I know something has gone awry. On Aug. 7, in my home state of California, Gov. Jerry Brown...

Library hours do not encourage academia

Letter to the Editor October 14, 2013

An essential part of a university experience occurs at the library. It is a place of studying, of commiserating and of learning. Most of all, it offers students a quiet study environment. However, The...

Apocalypse now (till the foreseeable future)

Letter to the Editor October 7, 2013

Congratulations, you have survived the apocalypse of another government shutdown, the last one of which many of us are too young to have even noticed (and the first one on record happening just after Vietnam)....

Alabama football needs to raise the bar

Letter to the Editor September 30, 2013

As the old adage goes, “If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best.” Well, consider this an open letter to Bill Battle. In light of the announcement this weekend that the football team...

Criticism of UA Stands is not so simple

Letter to the Editor September 26, 2013

My name is Cody Houston Frederick, and I would quote to you the percentage of whites on UA’s campus, but I could not find it on the demographics section of UA’s Quick Facts page, despite learning the...

Clarifying support for smoking ban on campus

Letter to the Editor September 25, 2013

On Aug. 21, The Crimson White published an article by Andy McWhorter titled “University considers smoking ban; other Alabama schools lead the way.” In it, there was a statement that “the Faculty...

Students should stay till the end of games, support teams

Letter to the Editor September 24, 2013

I’m a firm believer in the essence of a Tuscaloosa football Saturday. The town comes alive, opening up to “outsiders” roaming the streets before many students have gotten out of bed. The campus...

On nuances of race in America

Letter to the Editor September 19, 2013

I think one of the biggest misunderstandings about race and how it operates in America is that American society and culture aren’t merely racist, but white supremacist. Public integration is great...

Different takes on Stand in the Schoolhouse Door

Letter to the Editor September 19, 2013

I watched the events unfold Wednesday with the same feelings I felt when Kony 2012 happened: an appreciation of good intents and hearts, coupled with a nagging feeling of misdirection. My principle when...

On nuances of race in America

Letter to the Editor September 19, 2013

I think one of the biggest misunderstandings about race and how it operates in America is that American society and culture aren’t merely racist, but white supremacist. Public integration is great...

Different takes on Stand in the Schoolhouse Door

Letter to the Editor September 19, 2013

I watched the events unfold Wednesday with the same feelings I felt when Kony 2012 happened: an appreciation of good intents and hearts, coupled with a nagging feeling of misdirection. My principle when...

Abandoning the Wallace stereotype

Letter to the Editor September 18, 2013

“Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” Fifty years ago, before the shooting and death of Medgar Evers outside of his home in front of his family, months before Dr. King would...

Don’t let this moment go to waste

Letter to the Editor September 16, 2013

I, like the majority of the campus, read the article “The Final Barrier” in The Crimson White and initially responded as most of my peers did: with frustration and outrage. It infuriates me that such...

In response to ‘The Final Barrier’

Letter to the Editor September 16, 2013

As a parent of a University of Alabama student, I touch base occasionally with the paper online. Since it was coach Bryant’s birthday, I looked to see if an article appeared. What I found, however, was...

An open letter to our administration

Letter to the Editor September 16, 2013

Inspired by the bravery of the greek women who decided that our status quo is no longer acceptable, we, the concerned students and faculty of UA, demand immediate, sustained and transparent support from...

In response to ‘The Final Barrier’

Letter to the Editor September 12, 2013

Having begun school at the Capstone in 2008 as an undergraduate and looking forward to graduating with a master’s degree in 2014, I am forced to reflect on my six years as a member of The University...

It is not too late to shed light on voting issues

Letter to the Editor September 9, 2013

There has been a lot of finger-pointing about the ethical dubiousness (and possible illegality) of doing whatever it takes to win a local school board election and the complicity of certain segments of...

Who runs the University?

Letter to the Editor September 3, 2013

On Tuesday, I had the honor of listening to Denny Chimes play “Celebrating Achievement” for me and four of my UA faculty colleagues in recognition of the major grants and awards our research had garnered....

Greek system and democracy: part 2

Letter to the Editor September 3, 2013

In a recent letter to the Crimson White, I voiced the community’s collective anger at the involvement of several fraternity and sorority houses in altering the outcome of the recent Tuscaloosa Board...

In response to ‘Same-sex unions are not equal’

Letter to the Editor September 3, 2013

I never wanted to marry. Then again, a previous iteration of me never wanted to be gay in Alabama, either. Luckily, I long ago upgraded from that beta version programmed by middle school teachers who...

The Greek system and the meaning of Democracy

Letter to the Editor August 29, 2013

On Aug. 27, several sorority and fraternity houses on campus were involved in the hijacking of a local election. Mobilized in support of a former SGA president, they were taken to the polling station in...

Homophobia: a declining species

Letter to the Editor August 28, 2013

Poe’s law is defined as the inability to accurately judge sincerity from parody. Indeed, when I began reading Tuesday’s article titled “Same-sex unions not equal,” I was at first expecting satire....

Every society needs hunters, gatherers, cave painters

Letter to the Editor July 24, 2013

  I, presumably along with the rest of you reading this, spent the majority of my senior year of high school planning out my college career. I visited countless campuses, ultimately settling not on my...

Americans should prioritize evidence over race in Zimmerman murder trial

Letter to the Editor July 17, 2013

Not guilty. As the verdict was announced Saturday night, people all over my Facebook news feed seemed to be in an uproar. Well, my black friends at least. From day one, the media has played the George...

Sexual justice a civil rights issue, regardless of politics, gender, sexual orientation

Letter to the Editor July 3, 2013

For nearly 13 hours June 25, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis (D-District 10) filibustered Senate Bill 5, a bill that regulates the administration of abortions in Texas. These regulations would prohibit...

UA administration failed to uphold its standards, protect LGBTQ+ students

Letter to the Editor June 19, 2013

On May 18, members of the Westboro Baptist Church, a group notorious for their use of violently homophobic and anti-military language, gathered in front of Russell Hall to deliver a message of hate to...

Turkish Student Association sets protest records straight

Letter to the Editor June 12, 2013

Since May 31, a number of news agencies in the U.S. have been reporting recent ongoing protests in Turkey. As the Turkish Community of Tuscaloosa (The University of Alabama students, faculty and Tuscaloosa...

University’s decision to demolish historic Kilgore House a sad, unnecessary affair

Letter to the Editor June 12, 2013

Well, they’ve done it. The University of Alabama, having declared it “surplus property,” has razed the Kilgore House - that glorious example of late-19th century Victorian domestic architecture,...

‘Fairly common’ immunizations should be choice, not requirement for students

Letter to the Editor June 5, 2013

Dear Editor, I wonder if your readers are aware of the recent droves of students visiting the Student Health Center to receive their compulsory immunizations? Most of these students are not visiting the...

In response to ‘Examine Language’

Letter to the Editor April 18, 2013

As a member of Bama Students for Life, I would like to address the issues of rhetoric and respect. The Crimson White’s editorial asking BSFL to “examine our language” was released after The CW had...

Insulting the public not conducive to campus abortion debate

Letter to the Editor April 16, 2013

  Abortion is a hot topic, no doubt. Though Johnathan Speer and I seem to be on the opposite side of the debate, we actually agree on many things. We both disagree with any reference to abortion as...

Consider the issue, not the language

Letter to the Editor April 15, 2013

Much has been made of the graphic displays being used by Bama Students for Life. As an undergraduate, I was president of a pro-life student group at another institution. Our group chose not to use the...

BSFL’s images necessary to change culture

Letter to the Editor April 15, 2013

If you look at past social injustices, including slavery and the Holocaust, graphic images were used to convey the humanity of the victims as well as the injustice of the crime. In the same way, Bama...

Anti-abortion proponents only restrict freedom of choice for American women

Letter to the Editor April 11, 2013

“Abortion is murder. Abortion is genocide. Abortion can damage a woman’s body for life.” It is these statements that anti-abortion groups would have people believe in order to have people support...

How the pro-life movement can make win-win situations out of abortion debates

Letter to the Editor April 11, 2013

I don’t particularly like the pro-life movement. First, let me be clear: This is not a discussion about whether a fertilized egg is a person. This is not about whether a woman’s privacy and bodily...

BSL, Speer both fail in effectively messaging their case on abortion rights

Letter to the Editor April 11, 2013

As typically happens on the topic of abortion, both sides have such a pitiful way of messaging. Both pro-life and pro-choice groups often spend more time labeling the other side as hateful rather than...

Will next year be the end to student body smoking on Alabama’s campus?

Letter to the Editor April 4, 2013

Hear me out, readers. As a young, prospective student touring the grounds of The University of Alabama, you probably noticed the grandeur of the pristine columns highlighting the southern architecture...

In defense of pants, dressing for success

Letter to the Editor April 2, 2013

As the weather begins to change and our days become a little longer and a little warmer, I’d like to reach out to all the young women and ask them to keep those jeans on. Now I realize that many of...

In response to Brad Erthal’s column ‘Liberty means birth control coverage’

Letter to the Editor March 21, 2013

Mr. Erthal’s article in Tuesday’s issue is mistaken in his representation of Catholicism. He presents many errors in his column, all of which I cannot address. I will, however, address the following:...

Reflection on our Civil Rights past should inform future decisions on LGBTQ issues

Letter to the Editor March 21, 2013

As The University of Alabama celebrates its 50th anniversary of the desegregation of the school, many events and celebrations regarding civil rights concerns have surfaced. While we must celebrate the...

It’s time to recognize pervasive problem of HIV/AIDS in this country’s women

Letter to the Editor March 21, 2013

March 10 was National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The reason we need an entire day recognizing women and girls affected by the disease is because about one in four Americans living with HIV...

In response to ‘All Catholics deserve better after Pope Benedict XVI’s reign’

Letter to the Editor March 12, 2013

  I am writing in regards to Brad Erthal’s article, “All Catholics deserve better after Pope Benedict XVI’s reign.” He holds that the Catholic Church needs a better pope, one that will change...

We need to ensure that Alabama is recognized for its academic excellence

Letter to the Editor March 11, 2013

My name is Allison Montgomery, and I am seeking election to the office of vice president for academic affairs. I am a sophomore majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry. I am so excited to be pursuing...

We need to be honest, accessible and transparent as campus leaders

Letter to the Editor March 11, 2013

My name is Parker Graham, and I am currently a junior studying chemical engineering here at the Capstone. I am originally from Birmingham, Ala., but have lived in Tuscaloosa ever since I was 2. Yes, I...

We need to meet the needs of the Alabama student we represent

Letter to the Editor March 11, 2013

As a student, the Capstone has given me a new community, a new perspective and a new home. There aren’t many things in life that one can say that about. Because of this, I want to give back and better...

We need to give students a reason to care about their campus government

Letter to the Editor March 11, 2013

If you are like most students, you probably see very little reason to vote tomorrow. During the course of my campaign, I have had the pleasure to speak to many different student organizations across campus...

Catholics truly deserve a principled pope

Letter to the Editor March 11, 2013

Oramus pro Spiritum voluntatem. We pray for the will of the Holy Spirit. After Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would resign on Feb. 11, he said he could almost physically feel the strength of all the...

Celebrating SGA’s future achievements

Letter to the Editor February 27, 2013

As a former Student Government presidential candidate, I was ecstatic to read that the races for SGA President and five other Executive Council offices will be uncontested in this election. In retrospect,...

Deciphering state’s proposed Religious Liberty Act of 2013

Letter to the Editor February 27, 2013

On February 19, the Alabama House of Representatives passed The Religious Liberty Act of 2013 by a margin of 67 to 28. It is currently up for consideration in the Senate. While the name of this piece...

Attacks leveled at University are misguided

Letter to the Editor February 27, 2013

Rarely do I ever take issue with an opinion column. Opinions cannot be mistaken, but they can be misguided. The article “Aggression towards students creates an unhappy student body at Alabama” by SoRelle...

It’s time to rethink our prohibitionist attitude on marijuana enforcement

Letter to the Editor February 25, 2013

I would like congratulate the West Alabama Narcotics Task Force on a job well done. The record-breaking drug raids that took place across Tuscaloosa are a great example of hard-working individuals coming...

Expulsion may not be the best answer for UA students arrested last week

Letter to the Editor February 25, 2013

In light of the recent drug bust, I feel compelled to share my experience with substance abuse so I can hopefully make a difference in the lives of those students who were arrested. I do not know these...

Careers don’t always match majors

Letter to the Editor February 20, 2013

I couldn’t help but notice that The Crimson White’s Feb. 11, 2013, cover story on “UA majors mirror job growth trends” frequently conflates college “major” with future career “jobs” and...

UA gymnastics coach Sarah Patterson: Student supporters of team are champions

Letter to the Editor February 12, 2013

As we reach the midpoint of our regular season, I want to take a moment to thank our amazing students. Through our first two home meets, we have averaged over 2,300 students per meet in Coleman Coliseum...

Cyclists, drivers should respect the rules of the road

Letter to the Editor February 11, 2013

I am a graduate student in geology at the University who lives off-campus and rides a bike to work every day. I ride east-west on Paul Bryant and University Boulevard. Even after adhering to all the proper...

University of Alabama must step up its environmental game

University of Alabama must step up its environmental game

Letter to the Editor February 11, 2013

If there’s one thing that I, a native New Englander, have learned since moving down South it’s that the people here don’t do things halfway. You don’t build largish football stadiums or make somewhat...

Cutting scholarship funds for National Merit Scholar housing a mistake for UA

Letter to the Editor February 7, 2013

The University recently announced that the National Merit Scholarship package is being reduced starting with freshmen entering in fall 2013. As a National Merit Scholar, I’d like to ask: Who decided...

Teach For America can close poverty education gap locally, nationally

Letter to the Editor February 7, 2013

Every time I think about why I’m involved with Teach For America, I think about my grade-school classmates. The peers that stick out in my mind the most are those who are incarcerated or deceased, those...

The Million Dollar Band has more resources than any other school

The Million Dollar Band has more resources than any other school

Letter to the Editor January 31, 2013

In response to "UA: Million Dollar Band, AU: $11 Million Band" As a former member of the Million Dollar Band, I marched for four and a half years and completely understand where the current member who...

Stop stereotyping the greek systems view of race

Stop stereotyping the greek system’s view of race

Letter to the Editor January 28, 2013

Tradition is a beautiful word that evokes fond memories of past customs and reminds me of established rituals that I partake in every day. Traditions stir pride within those striving to continue them....

Debunking Jim Crow misconceptions: name refers to stage character, not a historical racist

Debunking Jim Crow misconceptions: name refers to stage character, not a historical racist

Letter to the Editor January 24, 2013

I commend The Crimson White for taking the trouble to quote from James Hood’s op-ed piece and to make it available. I also think Maxton Thoman’s piece about students ignoring MLK Day was well thought...

Alabama state leadership must learn to cope with reality of health care law

Letter to the Editor January 23, 2013

If you’re anything like me, you have probably grown tired of the seemingly endless debate over health care in the past year. The health care law appears to be almost as divisive as the Alabama-LSU rivalry...

Thank you, Alabama fans

Letter to the Editor January 16, 2013

Dear Alabama Students, Alumni, and Fans, As a recent University of Notre Dame alumnus, I would like to thank all of you for being a great group of college football fans. From the moment I boarded my plane,...

Be sexy in your own skin

Letter to the Editor December 6, 2012

This Tuesday, dozens of girls across campus and America, including myself, tuned in to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. With all the ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the spectacle of designs, there was also...

Block seating crowded, chaotic; drunk fans tend to detract from experience

Letter to the Editor November 20, 2012

One of the things that has always been on my bucket list is sitting in the section behind the field goal at a football game. After the game against Mississippi State, I have officially scratched that off...

Quest for peace in Israel

Letter to the Editor November 19, 2012

Since 2001, rockets have been fired more than 12,800 times towards southern Israel from the Gaza strip. That’s an average of about three rockets a day for 11 years. Kids have grown up in southern Israeli...

It’s time the smoke cleared on the rules of on-campus smoking

Letter to the Editor November 15, 2012

Maybe I’ve been hoodwinked. Maybe I chose to attend The University of Alabama under the wrong impression. You see, out of my numerous acceptance letters to various universities around the country, I...

In response to: ‘Bikers must follow University policies’

Letter to the Editor November 14, 2012

On Monday, the CW ran a column written by Ms. Tori Lee demanding that bike riders abstain from using the sidewalks around campus. As a longtime bike rider myself, I’d like to point out that this isn’t...

We must overcome division, see people not parties

Letter to the Editor November 12, 2012

Election Day is something that every American looks forward to. It’s a day set aside for us to exercise one of the many rights we have as Americans, and we get to show the politicians of today who we...

In response to, ‘Florida task force proposes beating cuts by basing tuition on behavior’

Letter to the Editor November 7, 2012

I am a public relations major double minoring in biology and psychology, on the pre-physician’s assistant track. I am that student, the one who bounced around from major to major trying to decide which...

UA’s response to hazing reveals ‘dysfunctional system’

Letter to the Editor November 5, 2012

“A society is as healthy as its orphaned, widowed and elderly.” This means everyone is equally valuable. A society can tell what kind of job it’s doing by measuring how it treats its most powerless....

Letter to the Editor: Pledgeship introduces new students to one another, builds trust in fraternities

Letter to the Editor October 24, 2012

With all the negative attention on pledgeship and the entire fraternity system, I think it is time to tell my thoughts and what I know to be the thoughts of the majority of pledges. I feel like something...

Letter to the Editor: Tuscaloosa, looking back

Letter to the Editor October 22, 2012

Believe me – I had no intention of doing this again. The pen once wielded to defend sensible conversation and entrepreneurial food truck ventures collects dust next to an ever-growing collection of empty...

Financial management courses should be required for students

Letter to the Editor October 17, 2012

If any of you watched ESPN Film’s “Broke,” you know that over half of all professional football players go bankrupt three years after retiring from the NFL. And, keep in mind, most of these retirements...

Debates show just how divided the country is

Letter to the Editor October 11, 2012

Oct. 3 became one of the most defining moments of the 2012 Presidential Race. At the University of Denver, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney met for the first of three debates the two candidates...

Wait to Party

Letter to the Editor October 11, 2012

By the end of this, most of you will either be thinking, “This guy is completely right,” or “Just shut up, nerd,” and that’s perfectly OK. I came to The University of Alabama to get a degree....

In response to: ‘Our view: Stacking must end’

Letter to the Editor October 9, 2012

I want to lean into this debate on scholarship stacking a little more and push back on a few of the opinions expressed in the “Our View” column regarding the matter. First, I would like to admit I...

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