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The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Andy McWhorter

Years later, Scottsboro Boys to be pardoned

Andy McWhorter July 3, 2013

This Monday, a bill passed by the Alabama Legislature in April, which would allow the Scottsboro Boys to be pardoned posthumously, took effect. While most of the Scottsboro Boys – nine young men who...

Students respond to Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision

Andy McWhorter July 3, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down both the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8 in a landmark victory for same-sex marriage proponents. Both cases...

50 years later: Room for improvement

Andy McWhorter June 26, 2013

Today’s University of Alabama looks much different than it did 50 years ago. Jim Oakley, recruiting coordinator and career counselor in the College of Communication and Information Sciences and former...

Start-up networking program comes to Tuscaloosa

Andy McWhorter June 26, 2013

The autoXLR8R accelerator program stopped in Tuscaloosa June 24 and 25 for part of its 13-week “tech tour” across the Southeast. The program, which is in its first year, connects entrepreneurs and...

Parking permits sold can exceed total spaces

Andy McWhorter June 5, 2013

With multiple new construction projects and the ever-growing student body requiring more parking facilities, students have voiced their displeasure with the parking situation on The University of Alabama...

Alabama Democrats split over formation of new group

Andy McWhorter May 29, 2013

Chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party Mark Kennedy resigned his position on April 22 and soon after formed the Alabama Democratic Majority, a new political organization focused on getting more Democratic...

Spring break may interfere with primary elections

Andy McWhorter February 29, 2012

  With Alabama’s primary elections only two weeks away, many are planning what decision they’ll be making come March 13. But with the election falling on a Tuesday in the middle of spring break...

Bentley focuses on jobs, education in address

Bentley focuses on jobs, education in address

Andy McWhorter February 16, 2012

Wayne Urban, associate director of the Education Policy Center at the University of Alabama, said the plan Gov. Robert Bentley presented in last week's State of the State speech for education policy might...

UA, AU students teach creative arts to inmates

UA, AU students teach creative arts to inmates

Andy McWhorter February 7, 2012

Behind the locked doors, fences and walls of Alabama’s prisons, students from both Auburn University and the University of Alabama are working with inmates to create art. The Alabama Prison Arts and...

Tornado-affected businesses face uncertain future

Tornado-affected businesses face uncertain future

Andy McWhorter November 2, 2011

When an EF4 tornado tore through Tuscaloosa last April, it left businesses, homes and lives destroyed in its wake. Now, six months later, much of the debris has been cleared, but the damage has yet to...

Civil rights leader remembered in Birmingham

Andy McWhorter October 25, 2011

Fifty years ago, a battle was raging in the heart of Birmingham, Ala. For decades, institutional racism had reigned supreme across the southern United States. But in the early 1960s, when President Kennedy...