Face the challenge of UA's contradictions
SGA now accepting applications
3 student teams win business plan competition
Dare to be Different

Honor societies recognize inductees Friday
20-year-old psychology student dies
Corolla to return after cancellation
36-year-old University of Alabama social work student dies
Judge strikes down Alabama's ban on gay marriage

Rec Center charges $4 each for shower towels
University announces national championship ticket allotment

Crimson White to assume new leadership

Bonner announces resignation
State reps respond to accusations

Clash of Conservatives

Bryce revisited: 168-acre acquisition will serve UA student growth

Hoole welcomes students

Blount director discusses application process
CW wins seven awards
Urge Conference Coverage

Philanthropy Fundamentals: Greek members contribute to charities

Parking search difficult, even with pass
Relay for Life hosts first Oktoberfest at KA

UnlockED, HCA to host education career event

Four professors earn awards
Second UA student arrested for threats, not related to original message

Alabamians now a minority at UA
Theatre to premiere comedy film
UA student arrested for threatening message
UAPD investigating second death threat

Pace of information causes concern after anonymous death threat

UAPD investigates death threat at Tutwiler Hall

App seeks to make giving blood simple
UA enrollment tops 36,000 to set all-time record

Paul Finebaum to sign new book in Tuscaloosa

Students take advantage of on-campus ring week
Four UA students arrested after assault at Presidential Village II

Students struggle to sit in Ferg
UA strives to reduce waste

STEM path helps students work towards MBA

New dance professor brings diverse styles to UA
Students encouraged to attend Week of Welcome

Over 2,000 women receive bids at Fall 2014 Bid Day

University restricts media access to rush
UA Board of Trustees approves tuition increase
Horwitz appeals to state Supreme Court
UA students honored nationally
Gallettes to hold testicular cancer awareness event
Event promotes assault awareness
Student campaign now national
Public speaking students compete in Speak-Off
SGA offers new integration resolution
AIJM events raise money, awareness
The New Black to host march
Test banks challenge professors
Networking site aimed at college students
Hundreds take part in Krispy Kreme Challenge

Keller accused of violating election rules
Posters may violate election policies
Candidates prepare for 2014 SGA elections

Walk raises awareness for MS
All-day event debuts Disney-run hospitals

Panel talks black femininity
Internship teaches banking, social responsibility

Bipartisan campus event weighs in on state legislature
Students, Alabama Athletics promote ’90s basketball game
Spring Get on Board Day more focused

Delegation from Chinese college visits University of Alabama

Professors voice predictions for the new year
Cold winter to plague Alabama
Precautions necessary to stay safe in cold weather

Steps to take before leaving for break
Mayors make annual wager on Iron Bowl outcome
Age-old football matchup celebrated 65 years later

Sorority elects 1st black president

Suspicious envelope deemed not a threat
CABJ hosts forum on integration media coverage

Alpha Phi Alpha hosts series on professionalism
Freshman seating designed to promote unity, learn traditions

Full stadium newest aim for SGA
Freshman seating designed to promote unity, learn traditions

Full stadium newest aim for SGA

Student overcomes brain tumor
Four councils govern campus greeks
Rights group asks UA to recognize free speech
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The Crimson White is the official student newspaper of The University of Alabama. The CW publishes continuously online, with an email newsletter distributed on Monday and Thursday throughout the academic year in addition to special gameday newsletters in the fall. The CW has proudly served the UA campus since 1894.
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The Actor’s Charitable Theatre, a community theater company for actors of all ages, held its first performance of the musical “Chicago” on Friday.
The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees appointed Sid J. Trant as chancellor of the UA System Friday. Trant has served as interim chancellor for the past 10 months, after the retirement of former chancellor Finis St. John.
The UA Bateman Team hosted the “Save Our Stories” exhibit in Reese Phifer Hall Wednesday to raise awareness about ongoing book restrictions in Alabama libraries.