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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Textbook system flawed

SoRelle Wyckoff January 18, 2012

Starting school means a slew of preparation activities. Buying school supplies used to be fun, but ever since textbooks showed up on the checklist, school supply shopping became dreaded. But my frustration...

Why is Hollywood scared of a black movie?

Xavier Burgin January 18, 2012

I have a newfound respect for George Lucas. I’ve always loved the man for his work as a filmmaker. I love Star Wars. I envy the life of Indiana Jones. These are the stories that have captured the hearts...

My CW, an outlet for your content

Letter to the Editor January 18, 2012

The Crimson White has strived to be your voice in The University of Alabama community by asking hard questions, reporting in-depth, investigating at length and starting discussions. This past fall semester...

Smokers smoke, haters choke

Letter to the Editor January 18, 2012

As a smoker, I think I can provide a first-hand view for the opposing stance. Now, some of us smokers want to be able to smoke anywhere that we want, and as pointed out in your article, some non-smokers...

US responsibilities at home, not overseas

Letter to the Editor January 17, 2012

Like many of you, I read Mr. Gaddis' column “America has a responsibility to all,” and maybe unlike many of you, I am worried about what his article was advocating. His article is nothing but a half-masked...

Mitt Romney most qualified for presidency

Tray Smith January 17, 2012

Mitt Romney’s tenure as the head of Bain Capital, a Boston financial firm, has rightfully come under scrutiny as he campaigns to become the Republican nominee for president. Media, voters and other politicians...

The life cycle of copy editing

John Davis January 17, 2012

The Crimson White is looking for a new copy editor. A paid position is available, but we also have several volunteers. If you are interested in working for us, and consider yourself a grammar nerd and...

A right to be free from smokers

Letter to the Editor January 17, 2012

As Americans, it is an instinctive reaction to feel that limitations on personal choices violate our rights. This sort of knee-jerk response isn’t necessarily bad; it defines us as a nation of individuals...

Crimson Tide football flourishes from spoils of redemption

Tyler Rigdon January 12, 2012

To current students at the Capstone, the description of Alabama football dominance is epitomized through the Alabama Traditions video. As the video flashes clips of college football greatness paired with...

America has a responsibility to all

Austin Gaddis January 12, 2012

President Barack Obama must accept foreign responsibilities. For the past year, a wave of reform and revival has energized the oppressed civilians of some of the world’s most ironfisted nations. This...

A new year, a new chance to have your voice heard

SoRelle Wyckoff January 12, 2012

New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday for a few reasons. Everyone recognizes the importance of New Year’s Eve. It is the end of the accepted calendar year, a fact that no one can disagree with. It...

There’s no place like sweet home

Kyle Carey December 8, 2011

After what seemed to be an entire 24 hours of chaotic shuffling, for the first time since the storm had begun, I found myself unable to move in a foreign field. I had never been there prior to that night....