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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Health and wellness advice for a new year, new you

Letter to the Editor January 25, 2012

From Eta Sigma Gamma Have you ever realized that when you go to the gym in January, it's packed? Yet, by February, the availability of empty machines increases? Perhaps that is a result of the American...

Don't blame the SEC for the sixth straight

Don’t blame the SEC for the sixth straight

Tyler Rigdon January 25, 2012

Last football season was full of controversies, but of these controversies, one reigned supreme. Greater than the Penn State child abuse scandals, the shifting tectonic plates of conferences or the lack...

Students should be less competitive

Evan Ward January 25, 2012

As an employee of a student leadership group at the University of Alabama, a group of which I am also an inducted member, I was recently charged with completing a task that bothered me greatly. You may...

It's up to women to protect their right of choice

It’s up to women to protect their right of choice

Michael Patrick January 24, 2012

Monday, marchers filled the streets of Washington, D.C. in protest of the 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in the United States. This ruling helped reaffirm the basic right that disallows...

It's time for Tuscaloosa to return the favor

It’s time for Tuscaloosa to return the favor

Jake Gray January 24, 2012

It is safe to say that residents of Tuscaloosa know a thing or two about tornadoes. Nearly six months ago, Tuscaloosa took the brunt of one of the worst storm systems to ever hit the United States. April...

I support gays, but I’m deathly afraid of them

Xavier Burgin January 24, 2012

Did my title grab your attention? Awesome. Now, let’s clear some misinformation up before we move further: I am comfortable around my gay friends and colleagues. They do not randomly break out in choreographed...

Holiday hearts found in UA community

Letter to the Editor January 23, 2012

The Board of Directors and staff of Tuscaloosa’s One Place, A Family Resource Center, would like to extend their gratitude and thanks to the University of Alabama students, faculty and organizations...

Why morals matter in one race for the White House

Why morals matter in one race for the White House

SoRelle Wyckoff January 23, 2012

We all know everyone’s tired of the “Grand Ole Party” conversation. The New York Times pitied the state of South Carolina on Friday, saying, “Not even the dead can find sanctuary from the bombardment...

Advice for campus crosswalks

Letter to the Editor January 23, 2012

Bicycle paths, sidewalks and UA’s campus streets have come back to life as students return for spring classes. When the semester starts and we’re finding our way to classes, purchasing books and trying...

Remembering Paterno, and the symbol he became

Remembering Paterno, and the symbol he became

John Davis January 23, 2012

Yesterday, Joe Paterno passed away at the age of 85, and with him, so too does the old guard of college football. This isn’t a column remembering JoePa and his legacy, per se, because I’m too young...

Question philanthropy’s motive

SoRelle Wyckoff January 19, 2012

When I was in seventh grade, I saw an article in “Time: For Kids” magazine. The philanthropic opportunity intrigued me. For $25, I could buy a pair of canvas shoes, and another child across the world...

SOPA, PIPA infringe on liberty

Brad Tipper January 19, 2012

  By Brad Tipper @bradtipper   Yesterday, an estimated 7,000 web sites instituted blackouts to protest provisions within two anti-piracy bills in Congress: the Senate’s Protect IP Act and the House’s...