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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Dissent: Calderone for SGA president

Drew Hoover March 6, 2012

Matt Calderone is clearly the best candidate to lead our SGA. The Crimson White editorial board, which historically endorses independent candidates, has endorsed someone who by all indications is the...

Candidate calls for new leadership in SGA

Letter to the Editor March 5, 2012

During the three years I have attended the University of Alabama, I, like many other individuals, have felt an incredible frustration at the unresponsive, insular nature of the Student Government Association....

Our View: Collins for vice president for Academic Affairs

Our View: Collins for vice president for Academic Affairs

Our View March 5, 2012

For the position of vice president for Academic Affairs, the editorial board endorses A. J. Collins because of his applicable experience and planned initiatives for UA Academic Affairs. His plans to expand...

Our View: Chandler Wright for vice president for Student Affairs

Our View: Chandler Wright for vice president for Student Affairs

Our View March 5, 2012

For the position of vice president for Student Affairs, the editorial board is endorsing Chandler Wright. Ultimately, the choice for Wright is based on her plan to transition the Office of Student Affairs...

Candidate hopes to improve advising

A.J. Collins March 5, 2012

So there I am at Bama Bound, bright-eyed and optimistic, advising sheet in my hand. I walk over to the Arts and Sciences advisor to get cleared for registration, hoping for some assistance in picking classes....

Our View: Clark for executive vice president

Our View: Clark for executive vice president

Our View March 5, 2012

For the position of executive vice president, the editorial board endorses Alex Clark. She understands the “chief of staff” role now required of the executive vice president in the new SGA constitution,...

Candidate aims to redirect focus of election

Letter to the Editor March 5, 2012

“Vote for the best candidate” is a common line exhausted by nearly every candidate in this Student Government Association election, but it is often preceded by a disclaimer that causes great separation...

Our View: Zimmerman for vice president for External Affairs

Our View: Zimmerman for vice president for External Affairs

Our View March 5, 2012

For the position of vice president for External Affairs, the editorial board endorses Kyle Zimmerman. His goals were extensive and detailed, and many have already left the planning stages, entering the...

Our View: Smith for vice president for Financial Affairs

Our View: Smith for vice president for Financial Affairs

Our View March 5, 2012

The position of vice president for Financial Affairs presents two strong and experienced candidates in Christian Smith and Andy Koonce. The editorial board endorses Christian Smith because of his current...

SGA election: Candidate promises useful, achievable projects

Letter to the Editor March 1, 2012

I have had an overwhelming love for this University as long as I can remember. I was also brought up with a great desire to serve others. When I arrived at the Capstone, I quickly found an outlet for both...

Understanding your diet

Lindsey OBrien March 1, 2012

With Body Appreciation Week just behind us, the important concepts of loving, accepting and taking care of our bodies is fresh on our minds. In hopes of continuing in this mindset, it is important to establish...

SGA elections: Candiate wants university life to expand past campus

Letter to the Editor March 1, 2012

Being a college student is something that applies to us at all times, not just when we’re on campus. The Student Government Association serves students at all times and seeks to maximize each student’s...