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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Different takes on Stand in the Schoolhouse Door

Letter to the Editor September 19, 2013

I watched the events unfold Wednesday with the same feelings I felt when Kony 2012 happened: an appreciation of good intents and hearts, coupled with a nagging feeling of misdirection. My principle when...

This isn’t simply a letter, it’s a much needed movement

Maxton Thoman September 18, 2013

This isn’t a letter, it’s a movement. Her eyes remained fixed on me, speaking volumes. Coals of passion burned in each iris. She sat there, perched on the end of my bed, and rambled. She rambled...

It’s time to change the damn state

John Brinkerhoff September 18, 2013

Perhaps one of the most courageous men in the history of this university is John L. Blackburn, the former dean of students for whom The University of Alabama’s Blackburn Institute is named. Firmly believing...

Abandoning the Wallace stereotype

Letter to the Editor September 18, 2013

“Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” Fifty years ago, before the shooting and death of Medgar Evers outside of his home in front of his family, months before Dr. King would...

University needs bipartisan discussion from both sides, open minds

Beth Lindly September 17, 2013

You’ve heard the saying before – a chain is only as strong as its weakest link – we all have. We rolled our eyes in high school at the motivational posters lauding teamwork littering our teachers’...

Now is the time for an honest coversation on race here at UA

Submitted September 17, 2013

By Victor Cuicahua | Guest Columnist Meeting someone in a different part of the country, whether it is as international as New York City or as small as Dodge City, Kansas, there is one question I dread...

Campus needs new framework for solutions

Rich Robinson September 17, 2013

I love The University of Alabama. Our success on the football field is how many people know us, but we all know there is much more to this special place. Our campus is one where anyone can learn and grow...

Don’t let this moment go to waste

Letter to the Editor September 16, 2013

I, like the majority of the campus, read the article “The Final Barrier” in The Crimson White and initially responded as most of my peers did: with frustration and outrage. It infuriates me that such...

In response to ‘The Final Barrier’

Letter to the Editor September 16, 2013

As a parent of a University of Alabama student, I touch base occasionally with the paper online. Since it was coach Bryant’s birthday, I looked to see if an article appeared. What I found, however, was...

Look at the larger context of UA’s greek discrimination

Matthew Bailey September 16, 2013

A recent NBC/WSJ poll asked Americans whether or not they agreed with the statement that America is a nation where people are judged by their character, not their skin color. Fifty-four percent of Americans...

An open letter to our administration

Letter to the Editor September 16, 2013

Inspired by the bravery of the greek women who decided that our status quo is no longer acceptable, we, the concerned students and faculty of UA, demand immediate, sustained and transparent support from...