Netflix show brings laughs

Student documentary addresses campus racial discrimination

Make the most of your Oscar ballot, pay attention to smaller categories
Marvel should remember Spider Man's roots

'Gilmore Girls' progressive facade hides unsavory underrepresentation
Taylor Swift's new album, video strays from previous fan expectations
Panjabi departure loss for TV
'Gone Girl' delivers thrills on multiple levels
'Gracepoint' trapped in shadow of predecessor

HBO showcases Beyonce, Jay Z
College students benefit from cable television with shorter seasons
Toronto Film Fest offers Oscar bait
Past winners walk away with top Emmy awards
Lack of optimism to blame for lackluster summer movie season
2013 adjustments to Code of Student Conduct worth publicizing
Realities dictate athlete orientation is important to us
Pop artist, song empowerment misguided
Golden Globe Awards stuck in time
Lack of an Office of Diversity at UA is shameful
Fight for LGBTQ rights more than just for marriage equality
UA nondiscrimination policy needs updates
‘Breaking Bad’ season finale a relief
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The Crimson White is the official student newspaper of The University of Alabama. The CW publishes continuously online, with an email newsletter distributed on Monday and Thursday throughout the academic year in addition to special gameday newsletters in the fall. The CW has proudly served the UA campus since 1894.
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The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees appointed Sid J. Trant as chancellor of the UA System Friday. Trant has served as interim chancellor for the past 10 months, after the retirement of former chancellor Finis St. John.
The UA Bateman Team hosted the “Save Our Stories” exhibit in Reese Phifer Hall Wednesday to raise awareness about ongoing book restrictions in Alabama libraries.
Eight electric buses are set to join The University of Alabama’s Crimson Ride fleet this July as part of a partnership between the College of Engineering’s Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies and UA Transportation Services.