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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Be selfish during your time in college

Anna Waters April 17, 2014

I’m probably the only person who will tell you this, but I think you deserve to hear it at least once. My best advice for navigating college is simple: Be selfish. After overcoming the societal, familial...

Yik Yak and how a campus deals with Internet anonymity

Guest Column April 16, 2014

Anyone can be anonymous on the Internet. This statement needs some qualifiers, sure, but its implications ring through our generation’s culture. Our high schools lectured us against cyberbullying, our...

Student-athletes deserve devotion from students

Charlie Potter April 16, 2014

My time at The Crimson White was shorter than most, as I enrolled at the University as a junior college transfer in the summer of 2012. But in my two years with the newspaper, I got to do things some professional...

Give a single damn

Katherine Owen April 16, 2014

Before I came to The University of Alabama, my choice of college had been between here, the University of Georgia and some fruity school in Minnesota that served a whole lot of granola in its cafeteria....

Support active, engaged campus

Rich Robinson April 15, 2014

Allow me a mulligan, a trip down the rabbit hole of over-serious campus politics for just a second. But first, a disclaimer: Students at The University of Alabama have infinitely more rights and privileges...

2013 adjustments to Code of Student Conduct worth publicizing

Noah Cannon April 15, 2014

While scrolling through Twitter on Monday, I was surprised to learn from a friend’s tweet that the UA Code of Student Conduct was significantly updated in 2013. The somewhat belated news was included...

Baseball holds on to romance, leisure lost in modern athletics

Letter to the Editor April 15, 2014

It’s just a couple of weeks after opening day in Major League Baseball, and it’s hard not to feel the romance of the game. It’s a time when hopes haven’t yet been crushed, when we still think that...

Learn from this academic year for a better next year

Patrick Crowley April 14, 2014

As this academic year is wrapping up and students are eagerly looking forward to their summer activities and next academic year, it is imperative that students reflect on their past year’s activities...

Reproductive justice must be reframed

Samaria Johnson April 14, 2014

Reproductive justice is firmly set in the women’s issues camp, which is understandable but also incomplete. It’s an issue that affects women, yes, but it’s not a women’s issue. When we talk about...

It’s time to defend Black Warrior from industrial pollution

Letter to the Editor April 14, 2014

On Jan. 9, Americans were shocked by the news that crude 4-MCMH was released from Freedom Industries into the Elk River, upstream of the West Virginia American Water intake and distribution center. By...

Congressional affairs are not significant to political performance

Regan Williams April 10, 2014

One of the bigger stories over this past week has been that a Louisiana congressman, named Vance McAllister, was caught kissing a woman who was not only not his wife but was also one of his staffers. These...