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The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Chisolm Allenlundy

Look for the people behind the faces

Chisolm Allenlundy April 26, 2016

My earliest vivid memory as a student at The University of Alabama is not an uncommon one: I was sitting in my chair at Bama Bound, staring out into a sea of unrecognizable faces, waiting for someone to...

Summer vacation provides students opportunity for solitude, growth

Chisolm Allenlundy April 6, 2015

Because this is my last column for the year, I feel it's appropriate to say something that's relevant to the end of the academic year. This will be my third summer while in college, and I have begun to...

Lamar's new album calls society to reflect on race

Chisolm Allenlundy March 24, 2015

Last week, Kendrick Lamar’s third studio album, “To Pimp a Butterfly,” surprised listeners across the world by becoming available on iTunes and Spotify a week before its scheduled release. The album...

Stop ostracizing tactics in SGA elections

Chisolm Allenlundy March 2, 2015

In 2007, researchers at Washington State University published a paper uncovering a previously-ignored factor that influenced people’s voting patterns: social isolation and loneliness. In their research,...

More people should run for SGA positions

Chisolm Allenlundy February 16, 2015

On the night of last year’s SGA elections, I sat huddled around a table with a group of candidates and their supporters. In the center of the table was a laptop broadcasting WVUA, which was preparing...

LGBT issues should be prioritized at UA

Chisolm Allenlundy February 9, 2015

Today marks the first day in Alabama’s history that same-sex couples will be able to have marriage licenses issued to them. It’s a reminder that, yes, Alabama can indeed strive for progress with a...

SGA needs political parties to become more representative, inclusive

Chisolm Allenlundy February 2, 2015

The University of Alabama is at a crossroads. The social climate of this university is in perhaps its most dynamic state in at least a century. Moving forward, the direction we take will have profound...

Economic mobility critical for equality

Chisolm Allenlundy January 25, 2015

America has long taken pride in its namesake ideal, the American Dream. Indeed, our nation has been built on the backs of generations of people who believed they had a better chance of succeeding here...

Come to UA: A letter to Condoleezza Rice

Chisolm Allenlundy January 12, 2015

Dear Dr. Rice,You may have recently become aware of the fact that the current president of The University of Alabama, Dr. Judy Bonner, will be stepping down from her position after this academic year....

Resolve to keep a journal for New Year

Chisolm Allenlundy January 6, 2015

Had I slept my way through 2014 and then proceeded to consult my Facebook newsfeed to assess what the year must have been like for the average person, I’d probably come to the conclusion that happiness...

Problem in Ferguson is the lack of empathy

Chisolm Allenlundy November 30, 2014

It was hardly a shocking outcome, but the minute the Ferguson grand jury announced Darren Wilson wouldn’t be indicted, the racial fissions that have divided America for centuries reasserted themselves...

University needs progressive action

Chisolm Allenlundy November 16, 2014

There’s a common line of reasoning that members of the University of Alabama community have become accustomed to hearing as justification for various actions on the administration’s part. It generally...

Civic engagement goes past Nov. 4

Chisolm Allenlundy November 2, 2014

This Tuesday, America will once again head to the polls, this time with the Senate majority on the line. That means this election will decide which party controls the Senate for the next two years, and...

We must face issues honestly

Chisolm Allenlundy October 26, 2014

So far this season, there have been 32 reported concussions among active football players in the NCAA. While concussions range in severity, from “you should never do what you were doing again” types...

Students are visitors and should act as such

Chisolm Allenlundy October 19, 2014

Throughout my two and a half years at The University of Alabama, I have heard one complaint from Tuscaloosa residents regarding the University so many times that it seems as though it is an inevitable...

UA should help students find purpose

Chisolm Allenlundy October 12, 2014

In his column last week titled “Nietzsche’s Dead, so we should live,” Rich Robinson excellently summed up perhaps the foremost dilemma facing The University of Alabama: left adrift amid great existential...

Socially responsible endowment needed

Chisolm Allenlundy October 7, 2014

In 2012, The University of Alabama System’s endowment totaled $977 million. This enormous number represented a decline from pre-recession 2008, when the endowment was over $1 billion. Currently, the...

The University should expand and require service-learning courses

Chisolm Allenlundy September 28, 2014

During the 2013-2014 school year, the University of Pennsylvania’s Netter Center for Community Partnerships conducted 64 academically-based community service courses, ranging from those that allowed...

Board of Trustees must engage with UA students

Chisolm Allenlundy September 21, 2014

The UA System Board of Trustees met Friday to approve the proposed operating budget for 2015. At that meeting, the Board gave the rubber stamp to numerous construction and demolition projects, including...

SGA matters to UA community

Chisolm Allenlundy September 15, 2014

Bear with me here, because I know what you’re thinking: “No, it doesn’t matter - it’s just a bunch of students with fake titles doing fake things that still don’t matter. Who cares? Even if...

Time to rethink Tuscaloosa relationship

Chisolm Allenlundy September 7, 2014

In the 2011-2012 school year, The University of Alabama had an economic impact on the metro area of Tuscaloosa worth approximately $1.6 billion, including payrolls, local procurement and student and visitor...

You will be lonely, and that's OK

Chisolm Allenlundy August 24, 2014

Freshmen, before you even stepped foot on this campus, you were done a great disservice. There is no need to blame anyone in particular, as this disservice is universal in our higher education system....