The Annual Crimson Couch to 5K/10K returns this Saturday with some new options for racers. The event is hosted by the University’s Office of Health Promotion and Wellness, with many participants being repeat-runners who come back year after year.
WHO: The event is sponsored by WellBAMA and the race is open to those who register.
WHAT: The Crimson Couch to 5K/10K and is part of an ongoing initiative of boosting campus-wide health. The event has seen steady growth in participation each year and also comes with the option of a 7-week training program to prepare for the race. This year, 10k racers will also have the option of an inflatable obstacle course.
Registration online is $15, while on-site registration is $20.
WHEN: The final date for check-ins and packet pickups is Friday, April 7 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and from 3-5 p.m.
The actual race will be held on Saturday, April 8 beginning at 9 a.m.
WHERE: Russell Hall and the UREC Outdoor Pool Complex will be where racers can check-in and pick up their packet. This year’s Crimson Couch to 5K/10K will begin at the outdoor pool area of the University Recreation Center.
WHY: “It is important that we continue this annual event because it gives employees something to train for, a finish line,” said Heather Clayton, manager of UA Health and Wellness. “It was the flagship exercise program for our office seven years ago and has been a staple ever since.”
For registration, maps, and more information visit