Amanda Bennett, an Atlanta native, is a junior majoring in English and African American studies at The University of Alabama. She will give her first ever Tide Talk on Friday, April 17, in Russell Hall Room 159 at 7 p.m.
Q. What will you be speaking on?
A. Misogynoir, which is a specific form of anti-black misogyny directed at African-American women. It acknowledges the dual oppressions of racism and sexism.
Q. Why do you think this issue is especially important for college-age students?
A. A lot of misogynoir dialogues take place on social media such as Twitter and Instagram, but a lot of times we are unaware of the historical background of misogynoir that exists in imperialism and slavery – both of which contributed to devaluing of the black female.
Q. How did you become interested in speaking at the next Tide Talks?
A. I had a friend named Spencer Cornelius who nominated me. I also thought it would be a great opportunity about a topic that receives very little attention in the black community and even less attention in either white or American society.
Q. What impact do you hope to have through your speech?
A. I hope to make people aware of the nuances and complexities of the black female experience, as well as to give women of color the opportunity and agency to take control of their own social, cultural and political narratives.
Q. What are your future plans?
A. I hope to go to graduate school and become a professor of African-American literature at either Spelman or Harvard.