“We had a pretty strong rookie class that now has a year of experience, so I would say we have a pretty strong shot of making nationals this year,” coach David ?Neder said.
Neder said his job is to cut the team into more manageable A and B teams. Those on A team will face an assortment of schools during the season including LSU, Auburn, Florida and University of Central Florida.
“Right now we’re teaching the new guys how to play,” Neder said. “We’re putting in the two hours scrimmaging. In about three weeks we’ll make our first cut, and three weeks after that we’ll make our final cut for the 28 people we’re going into the ?season with.”
Team captain Matthew Johnson said the team is working toward the sectional and regional tournaments at the end of spring.
“Doing well at those tournaments is the only way to get to nationals and compete for the championship, and that is our goal every year,” Johnson said.
Besides fostering a sense of competition, Ultimate creates a bond that comes with the hours the teammates spend together, whether it be on the field or on the road ?to tournaments.
“I don’t know where I would be if hadn’t decided to join the team,” Johnson said. “Some of the guys that I met on the team have become some of my best friends ?and roommates.”
The closeness is common on teams, but unlike in other sports, it extends to ?the competition.
“There are no real rivalries in Ultimate,” Johnson said. “Some of us are very close with some of the players that play for Auburn or LSU. Everybody is pretty much friends with everybody and that makes it a really cool community to be a part of.”