Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Duck Tape PR campaign wins award

The University of Alabama’s Public Relations Student Society of America chapter placed first in a national contest to promote the Duck brand College Duck Tape. The chapter received a $1,000 prize for their work during the fall 2012 semester.

“This campaign was a great way to start off the semester,” Melissa Stewart, co-director of Duck Tape for the University, said. “I was so pleased with the number of students who participated and helped implement it. We could not have led an award-winning campaign without everyone on our committee and their hard work.”

The Duck brand produces a College Duck Tape that features logos and mascots from college teams across the country. PRSSA chapters across the country were challenged to develop a campaign to raise awareness about the product on their campuses.

Tracy Sims, the faculty advisor for the University’s PRSSA chapter, said the UA team produced great results under a tight deadline.

“Within a month’s time, they not only put together a comprehensive, multimedia communication plan, but also successfully implemented it, exceeding their campaign goals,” Sims said.

The team utilized social media to raise awareness, using the Twitter hashtag #DuckTapeforUA and creating a Facebook events page. The team also created a board on Pinterest.

Kyle Borland, co-director of the University’s team, said Duck Tape for UA was his first campaign to work on, and he had a great experience.

“I’m so proud of the Duck Tape team,” Borland said. “When I first heard the news, I couldn’t stop jumping up and down. Working so closely with Melissa and the team was a blast. Although stressful at times, it is great to see that our hard work paid off.”

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