The SGA announced a special election to be held Nov. 29 that will fill four open Senate seats.
The election will fill one seat each for the College of Education and School of Law. These seats were previously occupied by Dillon Cook and Andrew Mount, respectively, both of whom are being removed.
Cook said that scheduling conflicts with his course schedule prevented him from attending all the Senate meetings.
The election will also fill two seats in the Graduate School to replace senators Emilia Stuart and TaMaya Mitchell. Stuart asked to be removed, citing scheduling conflicts as a reason for her departure, while Mitchell has resigned.
Article III, Section 7 of the SGA constitution states that “Senators elected by special election shall sit on the committee of the Senator they are replacing.”
Cook held a position on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, and Mitchell was a member of the Ethics and Oversight Committee. Stuart and Mount were both members of the Rules Committee.
Prospective candidates must fill out an application and statement of candidacy during the filing period from Nov. 3-8.
Candidates must also attend one of the mandatory candidate informational meetings that will be held via Zoom from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Nov. 1, Nov. 3 and Nov. 8. The meetings will cover information about the SGA Senate and will describe campaign regulations and election information to those who attend.
Those unable to attend one of the three scheduled meetings should contact [email protected].