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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Ray Rice blackballed by teams, not league

Ray Rice blackballed by teams, not league

Marquis Munson June 3, 2015

By Marquis MunsonThe American criminal justice system holds as a central tenet that all defendants are innocent until proven guilty. However, in sports you are innocent until off-the-field scrutiny. Those...

NFL sparks domestic violence conversation

Matthew Bailey September 23, 2014

 The NFL has been backed into a corner and Roger Goodell has had to face serious questions regarding whether or not he will keep his job. This is for good reason. The NFL has not taken domestic violence...

The NFL is not setting the example it should

Kyle Simpson September 16, 2014

This September, many exciting changes are happening. Schools are in session, the weather is getting cooler (unless you live in Alabama, apparently,) and the most exciting season of the year is beginning...

NFL subsidies come with high moral price

Leigh Terry September 16, 2014

The National Football League has been in the headlines for several weeks because of controversies that have arisen far away from the gridiron. Ray Rice’s domestic abuse conviction and Adrian Peterson’s...

Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson not held above the law

Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson not held above the law

Matthew Wilson September 14, 2014

The NFL has been a topic of recent controversy among the general public. Several of its star players – Baltimore Ravens’ running back Ray Rice and Minnesota Vikings’ running back Adrian Peterson,...

Be aware of the different faces of abuse and resources for help

Erynn Williams September 9, 2014

The recent elevator footage of Ray Rice fighting with his then fiance, now wife, has brought a slew of attention to domestic abuse, and as National Domestic Abuse Awareness Month approaches in October,...

Roger Goodell needs more consistency in suspensions

Roger Goodell needs more consistency in suspensions

Nolan Imsande August 24, 2014

If NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is going to keep suspending his players for their wrongdoings, he needs to find a fair way to do it.There is no problem with Goodell suspending players that deserve to...