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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Pi Beta Phi to host 5k for philanthropy

Analiese Gerald March 4, 2016

WHAT: Follow Your Arrow 5kWHO: Pi Beta PhiWHEN: Saturday, March 5, 12-3 p.m. Check-in begins at 11 a.m.WHERE: Check-in at the Student Recreation Center parking lot. The race takes place along the 5k loop...

Fraternity to hold philanthropy tennis tournament

Beth Wells November 11, 2015

What: Hubert Kessler ATΩpen, philanthropy eventWho: ATΩ Fraternity partnering with XΩ and Make a Wish FoundationWhen: Nov. 22, starting at 10 a.m.Where: Student Recreation Center tennis courtsATΩ will...

Why you shouldn’t shave in November

Jake Bass October 19, 2015

When I started growing facial hair, I couldn’t wait to shave. I thought that shaving was the manliest thing in the world, and I would love doing it. When I sat down and learned to shave, my father told...

Are Greek philanthropy events acts of selflessness?

Erin Mosley August 28, 2015

I should preface my thoughts by stating that I am not currently and have never been affiliated with any Greek organization at The University of Alabama or any other institution for that matter. Therefore,...

Duckworth partners with Read Bama Read

Duckworth partners with Read Bama Read

Stephanie Ziegler June 24, 2015

The tornado that hit Tuscaloosa on April 27, 2011, left a handful of libraries completely destroyed, taking away the opportunity for local children to read the books libraries once held on their shelves.When...

Greek members compete in 1st Olympics for charity

Greek members compete in 1st Olympics for charity

Kyarra Harris March 5, 2015

Members of the University of Alabama Greek system will host their own Greek Olympics to raise money for children with cancer.Carly Jones, a junior majoring in marine science, biology and telecommunication...

Wake up for Chi Omega's endless pancake breakfast

Wake up for Chi Omega's endless pancake breakfast

Alana Norris October 15, 2014

By Alana Norris Chi Omega is asking students to “Wake Up for a Wish” and eat a pancake breakfast this Saturday. Wake Up for a Wish is an annual pancake breakfast put on by Chi Omega to raise money...

UA men run mile in her shoes to raise domestic abuse awareness

UA men run mile in her shoes to raise domestic abuse awareness

Hannah Hammitte October 1, 2014

Most fall Saturdays, the Quad is home to thousands of Alabama fans sitting under hundreds of white tents, cheering on their 
Crimson Tide. Wednesday night the Quad hosted something a bit more special....

UA alumna Mignon Smith leaves philanthropic legacy

Melissa Brown February 15, 2012

Mignon Comer Smith, an Alabama philanthropist and heiress who established a scholarship foundation for Alabama high school students, died Friday at the age of 81. Smith, born in Birmingham in 1931, was...

Question philanthropy’s motive

SoRelle Wyckoff January 19, 2012

When I was in seventh grade, I saw an article in “Time: For Kids” magazine. The philanthropic opportunity intrigued me. For $25, I could buy a pair of canvas shoes, and another child across the world...

Greek Week competitions fosters unity, philanthropy

Brittney Knox March 30, 2011

Through the ticket sales for Greek Week from all four councils, the University of Alabama greek system will be able to give out about $100,000 in grant money that have been applied for by Tuscaloosa non-profits....