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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Alabama should allow gay marriage

Letter to the Editor November 8, 2010

In light of the recent removal of three Iowa Supreme Court justices for declaring the restriction of marriage to a man and a woman unconstitutional, I think it is time we broach a subject matter that certainly...

GOP rules inside, outside Beltway

Austin Gaddis November 4, 2010

Fellow students, our message to Washington was clear on Tuesday: We’re tired of the status quo. We’re tired of the spending, the out-of-control leaders who couldn’t even pass a budget, the partisanship,...

Right-wing conspiracy strikes back

Tray Smith November 4, 2010

In 1992, independent candidate Ross Perot captured 19 percent of the presidential vote from people who otherwise would have likely voted Republican and enabled Bill Clinton to trip into the presidency....

Obama the lyrical wordsmith

Robert Clark November 4, 2010

Here’s a fact I bet you didn’t know about America: its sitting president is a broken record. Sure, most of the country grooved to the timeless classic “Change and Hope,” and who can forget the...

Reconsidering religion’s role

Letter to the Editor November 3, 2010

This letter will likely be my only contribution to the opinion page creation-evolution debate. I am writing not to persuade the reader to one side or the other, but simply to rebut some of the more outlandish...

Religious beliefs necessary for modern atheism

Letter to the Editor November 3, 2010

Ah, how refreshing it is to hear someone admit, even if only implicitly, that modern ethics came from religious morality. Of course, I am referring to Sam Arnold’s recent response to Michael Patrick’s...

Your Views: Web Comments

Letter to the Editor November 3, 2010

“I was at the University during that summer and admired her very much. I knew that what she was doing took tremendous courage; however, to be a white student on campus at that time also took courage....

New road paved for the GOP

John Anselmo November 3, 2010

“I have a message, a message from the people of Kentucky… we have come to take our government back.” Those were the first words of Senator-elect Rand Paul, after he thanked his family, in his Tuesday...

Side effects may include sickness

Debra Flax November 3, 2010

I was watching TV the other day when a commercial discussing a recently released asthma medication lit up the screen. It showed a wide-open field with people basking in the glow of a radiant sun, enjoying...

Guide to Opinions page fame

John Davis November 3, 2010

It was unavoidable. You’ve been at the University of Alabama for almost three months now and it’s clear that not only is the student newspaper totally inept, but for some reason everyone around you...

Practice safe news watching

Wesley Vaughn November 3, 2010

If you can find me a normal person on a reality television show, I’ll find you some beachfront property in Kansas. Contestants or participants on these shows were selected because they fill their particular...

Arnold generalizes the faithful

Jessica Bailey November 3, 2010

Ah, stereotypes. Everyone uses them; they shape our first impressions, social behavior research projects, marketing, movie genres, you name it. Stereotypes can be useful, since they exist because they...