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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Say yes to Sunday alcohol sales

Our View February 21, 2011

Tomorrow, residents of Tuscaloosa will have the ability to vote on legalizing Sunday alcohol sales. In preparation, many students have registered to vote in Tuscaloosa. We encourage them to go to the polls...

Get real about change

Letter to the Editor February 21, 2011

Thursday’s headline, “Greeks look to increase inclusivity,” filled me with some hope. But it only took reading the first sentence to understand what this article was really about — just more posturing...

Students should share faith responsibly

Ben Friedman February 17, 2011

In our current postmodern and secular age, sharing one’s religious beliefs is often labeled, at the blink of an eye, as intolerance. The “Coexist” bumper sticker is prevalent, and so much as making...

America is pretty awesome

Marina Roberts February 17, 2011

When Ben Friedman’s article, “America still the greatest,” ran last Friday, it was met with a pretty poor reception. If you’ve picked up the paper since then, you’ve no doubt picked up on his...

Poisoned trees out of bounds for in-state rivalry

CW Staff February 17, 2011

The whole nation is now in uproar about the Toomer Trees. And trust me, we understand. If someone knocked over our Chimes or painted Bear’s bronze hat some outrageous color – like, orange? – this...

Demystifying the minimum wage

Michael Annes February 17, 2011

The idea behind the minimum wage is to help low income workers by using the power of the state to threaten to imprison people who create a labor contract with a wage lower than whatever the government...

Embracing insults senseless

Kingsley Clark February 17, 2011

At what point does a name become a title? At what point does that title become an insult? And how is that insult reclaimed by its victims? From “bitches” to “rednecks” to the detestable “N word,”...

Transmissions harbinger of autopocalypse?

John Davis February 17, 2011

Earlier this month the federal government found that in the majority of cases involving unintended acceleration in Toyota vehicles, driver error was the root cause. The drivers were literally hitting the...

More vegetarian options needed

Letter to the Editor February 16, 2011

In response to your article "Vegetarianism Offers Health, 'Less Than Impressive' On-Campus Options" (Feb. 9, 2011), I would like to compliment Allie Hulcher for speaking out about the lack of vegetarian...

Mubarak the devil we knew

Letter to the Editor February 16, 2011

An old adage says, “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.” With the current situation in Egypt, the devil that we have known is Hosni Mubarak. Most people feel a need for the United...

Sustained Dialogue wants you!

Letter to the Editor February 16, 2011

Last weekend, UA Sustained Dialogue held an open workshop on “Leadership Across Culture,” which was hosted by Sustained Dialogue Campus Network representatives Amy Lazarus and Rhonda Fitzgerald, who...

Don’t close ‘The Notebook’ on discussion

Wesley Vaughn February 16, 2011

Neuro-linguistic programming is a multi-disciplinary approach to helping individuals realize their potential excellence through mental exercises. NLP’s main presupposition is, “There is no such thing...