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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Med Pass keeps track of immunization records

Med Pass keeps track of immunization records

Nick Privitera October 26, 2015

Each year, millions of students across the country head to college for the first time. They load their cars with clothes, books and everything else a college student might need. What they do not realize...

UA alumnus' company to expand

UA alumnus' company to expand

Lauren Lane April 21, 2015

A Nashville-based startup company is giving University of Alabama business students the opportunity to work on a program that will streamline immunization forms for 
incoming students.Med+Pass Health...

Zulfacar discovers Life

Zulfacar discovers Life

Maddy Ard October 19, 2014

Maliha Zulfacar was born in 1961 in poverty-stricken, war-torn Kabul, Afghanistan. She went on to become the first Afghan woman to seek a college education in the United States and the first female ambassador...

Extended health care eases student stress

Extended health care eases student stress

William Evans September 29, 2010

As of Sept. 23, young adults can choose to remain under the coverage of their parents’ health care insurance plans until the age of 26 due to legislation contained in President Barack Obama’s health...

Damn, it feels good to be a liberal

Letter to the Editor April 15, 2010

We liberals delivered on health care. Over the course of next few months to the next few years, 30 million more people will get health insurance, and everyone will be protected from the evil tactics of...

Damn, it feels good to be a liberal

Letter to the Editor April 11, 2010

We liberals delivered on health care. Over the course of next few months to the next few years, 30 million more people will get health insurance, and everyone will be protected from the evil tactics of...