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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Life behind the camera and the lessons taught for when no one is watching

Drew Hoover April 24, 2012

Dear everyone who reads or looks at The Crimson White, My name is Drew Hoover and this is undoubtedly the first and last article of mine to appear in the CW that you will ever read and/or ignore. For...

What my time with The Crimson White showed me about life and success

Jonathan Reed April 24, 2012

I don’t remember when I learned the greatest lesson about writing. It may have been in an intro to journalism class freshman year. It may have been inside the crumbling pink walls of my high school humanities...

Don’t worry, I’ll show myself out

John Davis April 23, 2012

There’s a poster in my room above my desk with a poem by Carl Sandburg written beneath an old army helmet. The helmet is partially buried in the ground, with a flower growing out of a rusted hole. The...

Move on! (In a good way)

Amanda Peterson April 22, 2010

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I am so excited to be done. And graduating. And to be leaving the University of Alabama in a couple weeks. After four years of hard work, hundreds of articles for...

A year of tough, but fair, stories

Alan Blinder April 22, 2010

As the year draws to a close, so, too, does my career at The Crimson White, an imperfect newspaper, but one that sought this year to inform the campus conversation through fair, incisive reporting. We,...

Everybody wants to be a critic

Steven Nalley April 21, 2010

I remember when I started reading The Crimson White as a freshman, and how the first section I would always flip to would be the entertainment section to read reviews of the latest movies, games, CDs and...

In the end, the juice was worth the squeeze

Spencer White April 21, 2010

I still chuckle to myself sometimes when I think about how lucky I got. Two years ago to this day, I was walking into former Crimson White editor Corey Craft’s office to interview for a sports reporter...

Are you there, Nostalgia? It’s me, Margaret

Drew Taylor April 20, 2010

As a writer, I’ve found that the biggest temptation in the writing process is an overemphasis on nostalgia, plain and simple. And yes, I too tend to get nostalgic at times, especially these last days...

Always follow your bliss

Will Thomas April 20, 2010

When the opinions editor of this fine, upstanding paper notified me that a farewell column was in order, I was intimidated by the task. How does one fit four years of life lessons into approximately six...

Allow me to be glib one last time

Josh Veazey April 13, 2010

I’ve always found “farewell” columns odd, like a graduation speech in front of confused, moderately interested people. Or maybe like having one of those lingering, awkward hugs with your readership....