RFRA designed to promote discrimination
Students must care to defeat Machine
Free community college raises everybody's equality and welfare
Islamic faith not to blame for tragedies in Paris
Body cameras hold police officers accountable
Football Saturdays overrun campus
Smoking ban right choice for campus
Seminar classes promote ideas
Administrators Silence on Equality Cause for Concern
Christians have duty to end LGBTQ intolerance
Graduate school application class would be practical
President Obama should reconsider his approach for attacking ISIS
Historic, socioeconomic inequality causes racial inequity in America
Administration has a role in uniting campus
Become the person you want to be
Israel loses moral high ground in attacks against Gaza
Rape should be discussed at UA
SGA resolution is pitiful PR move
State legislature abortion bills are absurd
The University should loosen restrictive SGA campaign legislation
Drawing a line in the sand for offensive and grotesque speech
Solution to campus shootings is not more guns
Facilities need to reflect UA growth
Religious rights end when harm to others begins
Town hall fails to fill conversational void about UA problems
Social inequity should not be ‘the way of things’
Continued expansion causing problems for resources on campus
Barriers to the enjoyment of UA Homecoming
Greek leaders should participate in efforts to see change
Recent change leaves flawed system in tact
Campus sees the beginnings of real change for the first time
Campus sees the beginnings of real change for the first time
Greeks cannot be taken seriously until they move past segregation
Personalized student advising shouldn’t suffer from growing pains
Don’t clamor for Zimmerman’s conviction; demand new laws
Snowden must be recognized for heroic endeavors
NSA infringes American citizens’ rights to privacy
Abercrombie & Fitch offensive on more than one front
Student dress choice should not be rigid mandate
Youth have to hold UA accountable for sexual assaults
Accountability Act harms education system
Request to repeal the Voting Rights Act ignores racial disparities
Suspension not enough; muggers must leave team, campus
Pros of using medicinal marijuana must be discussed with cons

Certain words in politics need to die

After 3 mass shootings in 2012, prioritize life over guns
Administration must stop turning blind eye to greeks
Consider Alabama congressional races in November election
Romney’s recent remarks show ‘disdain, apathy’

Opinion: Don’t waste your chalk
Statistically speaking, you should be wary
Republican Party relying on conflict and negativity

Bama Theatre brings independent films to Tuscaloosa
Biden’s gaffes really do matter
We should question Obama’s motive
Obama’s kill list raises red flags
Compassion key to solving problem of UA isolation
Overcrowding at UA brings quality
Solution to abortion reform not through loopholes
Grand Old Party’s poor candidates a failing Republican strategy
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The Crimson White is the official student newspaper of The University of Alabama. The CW publishes continuously online, with an email newsletter distributed on Monday and Thursday throughout the academic year in addition to special gameday newsletters in the fall. The CW has proudly served the UA campus since 1894.
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The Actor’s Charitable Theatre, a community theater company for actors of all ages, held its first performance of the musical “Chicago” on Friday.
The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees appointed Sid J. Trant as chancellor of the UA System Friday. Trant has served as interim chancellor for the past 10 months, after the retirement of former chancellor Finis St. John.
The UA Bateman Team hosted the “Save Our Stories” exhibit in Reese Phifer Hall Wednesday to raise awareness about ongoing book restrictions in Alabama libraries.