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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Nathan James

RFRA designed to promote discrimination

Nathan James April 8, 2015

Recently, Joe Puchner wrote an editorial entitled “Treatment of RFRA supporters unfair.” The piece refers to a recent and controversial piece of Indiana legislation which provides additional legal...

Students must care to defeat Machine

Nathan James March 25, 2015

One of the most pleasant surprises of this school year was Elliot Spillers’ election as SGA President, marking the first time in almost 40 years that an African American student has filled that role....

Free community college raises everybody's equality and welfare

Nathan James January 26, 2015

Education in America is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it represents a stepping stone. It serves as a ladder, a tool with which enterprising young 
people can achieve their dreams.On the other hand,...

Islamic faith not to blame for tragedies in Paris

Nathan James January 15, 2015

It’s hard to know how to respond to Joe Puchner’s recent column on political correctness. On the one hand, I understand the need for reservation when speaking about such sensitive topics as religion....

Body cameras hold police officers accountable

Nathan James December 3, 2014

In the aftermath of Ferguson, our country faces many questions with no clear answers. These questions touch on race relations, the changing nature of our police force, the formative role media plays in...

Football Saturdays overrun campus

Nathan James November 19, 2014

I don’t care much about football. I know that’s a strange thing to say around here, but it’s true, and I can’t explain why. So on gamedays, I use my time to do other things. I go to the rec center,...

Smoking ban right choice for campus

Nathan James November 5, 2014

The University of Alabama’s upcoming ban on smoking will undoubtedly be the subject of some controversy. Announced Tuesday, this ban will affect almost everywhere on campus and prohibit both ordinary...

Seminar classes promote ideas

Nathan James October 21, 2014

Next week when registering for classes, you may see one of your required courses is a seminar. You may be excited for the easy A, or nervous about being asked to speak in front of your peers. Or, conversely,...

The so-called dangers of abortion lack any real, substantial standing

Nathan James October 15, 2014

There’s a tactic in the pro-life movement that works like this: abortion opponents argue that abortion is medically unsafe and under-regulated, and they push for the adoption of extreme new safety standards....

Administrators Silence on Equality Cause for Concern

Nathan James October 8, 2014

Sometime between March and September 2014, after significant pressure from student groups, The University of Alabama updated its nondiscrimination policy to protect gender identity and expression. When...

Violence does not need to dictate our society and university campus

Nathan James October 1, 2014

Almost two years ago, I was voting when an active shooter situation trapped me in the Student Recreation Center. I didn’t know if it was a coincidence that this was happening on Election Day, or if...

Christians have duty to end LGBTQ intolerance

Nathan James September 24, 2014

There’s a form of discrimination that America doesn’t like to talk about. Compared to all other Americans, members of one particular minority group are two to six times as likely to attempt suicide,...

Graduate school application class would be practical

Nathan James September 17, 2014

For many students at The University of Alabama, undergraduate studies are just the first step on the long road towards a master’s or Ph.D. These students will commit huge amounts of time and energy...

President Obama should reconsider his approach for attacking ISIS

Nathan James September 10, 2014

A constant question in the war on terror has been, “Why do they hate us?” Americans don’t understand why al-Qaeda would want to attack our country. We don’t understand why the Islamic State of...

Historic, socioeconomic inequality causes racial inequity in America

Nathan James September 3, 2014

Last week, Samaria Johnson wrote an excellent piece titled “The University must provide support for black students, not just words.” As is the norm for controversial columns, Johnson’s piece received...

Administration has a role in uniting campus

Nathan James August 27, 2014

Three sorority sisters in full selfie mode, smiling broadly and pressed close to fit in the frame. Beneath their faces, the caption “Chi O got NO n-----!” By now, many of you have seen the image....

Become the person you want to be

Nathan James August 20, 2014

When I was 18, I’d never spoken to a group of more than a dozen people. But when I read passages in class, I was told I had a “radio voice.” When I came to The University of Alabama, I applied to...

Israel loses moral high ground in attacks against Gaza

Nathan James July 22, 2014

Over the past week, something has happened in Israel that seems all too familiar. Armed conflict, sparked by rockets being launched from Gaza into Israel, has broken out once again. As it goes on, regular...

Rape should be discussed at UA

Nathan James June 11, 2014

There’s a disturbing trend in the way our campus talks about rape.Our campus, like most college campuses, has a rate of sexual assault that is much higher than in surrounding areas. Hoping to start discussion...

SGA resolution is pitiful PR move

Nathan James April 10, 2014

Our SGA Senate just made a symbolic concession to the goal of Greek integration. Tuesday night, SGA President Hamilton Bloom introduced a resolution almost identical to the one that the Senate allowed...

Romney, Palin wrong in comments on crisis on Crimean peninsula

Nathan James March 20, 2014

“Thanks, Obama!” is apparently a very dangerous phrase to use satirically. But for Republicans throughout the country, it’s a rallying cry with fewer boundaries each day. For proof, look to Romney...

Government subsidizing of higher education worthwhile investment

Nathan James March 13, 2014

The cost of attending The University of Alabama for one year is estimated to be around $24,000. To some that number will seem like a lot, and to others it may seem perfectly reasonable. But what really...

State legislature abortion bills are absurd

Nathan James February 27, 2014

Alabama has a problem with choice. Over the past four weeks, our representatives in the House have approved bill after bill designed to make Christian sexual norms the common law. House Bills 31, 490,...

The University should loosen restrictive SGA campaign legislation

Nathan James February 20, 2014

If you’re a new student who’s thinking of seeking out opportunities in student government, you’re in luck. Our student handbook tells us that SGA elections are for any student who meets a modest...

Drawing a line in the sand for offensive and grotesque speech

Nathan James February 17, 2014

Last Wednesday, I had the pleasure of not walking past aborted fetuses on my way to lunch. For some time, a yellow tri-fold display, covered with vague moral assertions and images of underdeveloped, disembodied...

Solution to campus shootings is not more guns

Nathan James February 5, 2014

In the wake of shootings at Purdue and near Michigan State University last month, Andrew Parks wrote a column supporting concealed carry on The University of Alabama’s campus. He claimed in this column...

Facilities need to reflect UA growth

Nathan James January 16, 2014

For undergrads, balancing a healthy lifestyle with other responsibilities can often seem like a losing battle. No one thinks they’ll actually gain the freshman 15, but its causes become apparent quickly:...

Religious rights end when harm to others begins

Nathan James January 9, 2014

In 2008, the parents of 11-year-old Kara Neumann made a choice. They decided that, per their religious beliefs, they would not seek medical attention for their ailing child. Instead, they would pray over...

Town hall fails to fill conversational void about UA problems

Nathan James November 21, 2013

Tuesday was this year’s final meeting of the Honors College Town Hall, scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. and feature Mayor Walt Maddox and University of Alabama President Judy Bonner. At 6:25 p.m., Bonner...

Social inequity should not be ‘the way of things’

Nathan James November 7, 2013

Last week, Erynn Williams wrote a column on the topic of diversity – or lack thereof – in the entertainment industry. Ms. Williams argued that the lack of diversity in certain industries isn’t because...

Continued expansion causing problems for resources on campus

Nathan James October 24, 2013

I don’t receive mail from my family. Not because they don’t love me, but because it would cost $125. That’s the cost of renting a mailbox from the Ferguson Mail Center. Previously, mail could be...

Barriers to the enjoyment of UA Homecoming

Nathan James October 10, 2013

You may have been at last Saturday’s Homecoming game against Georgia State University. Odds are, you weren’t; there are 17,000 student seats, and only 71.3 percent of those were filled. It’s a common...

Greek leaders should participate in efforts to see change

Nathan James October 3, 2013

On Tuesday, 90.7 The Capstone put together a panel to discuss the issue of race on campus. This panel included six professors, State Rep. Chris England and myself – but what’s more interesting is who...

Recent change leaves flawed system in tact

Nathan James September 26, 2013

At this moment, The University of Alabama stands at a tipping point. On the one hand, we have accomplished tremendous things in the past two weeks – UA Stands, the implementation of continuous bidding...

Campus sees the beginnings of real change for the first time

Nathan James September 19, 2013

Wednesday morning, almost at sunrise, several hundred students got out of bed and made their way to the front steps of Gorgas Library. After a week of planning, kept secret until Tuesday night, the organizers...

Campus sees the beginnings of real change for the first time

Nathan James September 19, 2013

Wednesday morning, almost at sunrise, several hundred students got out of bed and made their way to the front steps of Gorgas Library. After a week of planning, kept secret until Tuesday night, the organizers...

Greeks cannot be taken seriously until they move past segregation

Nathan James September 12, 2013

Around this time each year, something interesting happens. For a period of about two weeks, there will be a concerted effort by student media to hold the greeks accountable for their actions. It has become...

Personalized student advising shouldn’t suffer from growing pains

Nathan James September 5, 2013

Some things can be adequately handled with flowcharts. In fact, flowcharts have the potential to fill many important roles. They can be used to outline safety protocols, describe programming processes...

Pope Francis, nontraditional stances may preserve Catholic Church’s future

Nathan James July 31, 2013

There is always a media circus surrounding the selection of a new pope, but it’s a shame that so much of that attention wanes once he’s been chosen. It’s likely that most Americans have heard about...

Capstone offers out-of-state students unique, enriching experiences

Nathan James July 24, 2013

Studying out of state is many things. It’s daunting, exhilarating and terrifying. It opens the world to you, but ends elements of your life that you thought were interminable. It changes the way you...

Don’t clamor for Zimmerman’s conviction; demand new laws

Nathan James July 17, 2013

On February 26 last year, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman saw 17-year-old Trayvon Martin walking through his Florida town and decided he looked suspicious. Zimmerman followed Martin on foot,...

Student loan interest increase is result of government greed

Nathan James July 3, 2013

If you’re one of the 12 million Americans who relies on student loans to pay for college, heads up – things are about to get ugly. Monday, Congress missed its deadline to preserve current interest...

Snowden must be recognized for heroic endeavors

Nathan James June 26, 2013

The list of people who have given up everything for a cause is full of heroes. Many of America’s most prominent historical figures are people who turned their backs on comfort and security for the sake...

Alabama Accountability Act affects more than just 74 failing schools

Nathan James June 19, 2013

The 74 lowest-performing neighborhood schools in Alabama may see significant changes headed their way. They may also be receiving more media attention, since today they were all identified as “failing”...

NSA infringes American citizens’ rights to privacy

Nathan James June 12, 2013

  On a day-to-day basis, how afraid are you of terrorism? Are you vaguely anxious? Are you actively terrified? Are you afraid enough to surrender your rights? Most Americans, of course, aren’t that...

UA student body deserves answers about ‘tailor-made’ Bonner position

Nathan James June 5, 2013

If you’re a student at The University of Alabama, you should be questioning the hire of Josiah “Jo” Bonner. For those of you who haven’t been keeping abreast of the situation, here are the details:...

Abercrombie & Fitch offensive on more than one front

Nathan James May 29, 2013

When Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries explained why his store doesn’t carry women’s clothes larger than size 10, he may have explained more about his brand than he wanted consumers to know. “A...

BSL’s belief in their own infallibility has cost them credibility in this debate

Nathan James April 11, 2013

The first thing I saw when I approached Bama Students for Life’s billboard display was a man arguing with a woman, the latter near tears. As I listened, she explained that she had ancestors who had died...

Student dress choice should not be rigid mandate

Nathan James April 4, 2013

Everyone at the University with functioning eyes and a basic level of situational awareness knows about the “Pants Guessing Game,” although some know it by other names. The Guessing Game is a mode...

Youth have to hold UA accountable for sexual assaults

Nathan James March 21, 2013

We’ve all heard the statistics, as much as we might wish we hadn’t: 20 percent of women will be sexually assaulted during their time at college. Only about five percent of sexual assaults will be reported...

Accountability Act harms education system

Nathan James March 14, 2013

The condition of Alabama’s schools is one of the most serious problems facing the state, and Alabama Republicans have found what is unequivocally the worst solution imaginable. Recently, they approved...

Request to repeal the Voting Rights Act ignores racial disparities

Nathan James February 28, 2013

The enfranchisement of non-whites in America was, unsurprisingly, a long and difficult process. Many of you know that even after the vote was legally extended to African Americans, unscrupulous state officials...

Alabama House Bill 57 focuses on abortion, filled with lies about women’s health

Nathan James February 21, 2013

There are three things that should be known about Alabama House Bill 57. The first is that the bill would make the safety requirements placed on abortion clinics much, much more strict, setting a new precedent...

Suspension not enough; muggers must leave team, campus

Nathan James February 14, 2013

Football is more than a game here at Alabama. Everyone knows that. It’s a cultural institution, a source of identity for the University and a financial bastion that has helped make this University great....

Pros of using medicinal marijuana must be discussed with cons

Nathan James February 7, 2013

Medical marijuana is a thorny issue because so many people have strong feelings about recreational marijuana use. Many dismiss it off the cuff due to associations of marijuana as a recreational drug. But...

National Merit Scholar: UA scholarship offer unwarranted, counterproductive

National Merit Scholar: UA scholarship offer unwarranted, counterproductive

Nathan James January 31, 2013

I am a National Merit Finalist. The University of Alabama gave me the laptop I’m writing this article on, pays for my tuition, room and board, and will pay me $6,000 over four years in additional stipends....

Certain words in politics need to die

Certain words in politics need to die

Nathan James January 24, 2013

If you follow politics, there are certain words you’re likely to hear a lot. And sometimes, a lot is simply too much. Sometimes, a word is so overused or so badly used that it loses its meaning and becomes...

After 3 mass shootings in 2012, prioritize life over guns

After 3 mass shootings in 2012, prioritize life over guns

Nathan James January 17, 2013

The United States Constitution is one of our country’s greatest assets, and one of the most valuable and important documents in history. However, as much as we all take pride in our founding documents,...

Real reason Mitt Romney, GOP lost; party must adapt to evolving society

Nathan James November 8, 2012

Sometimes, a loss is just a loss. You pick yourself up, shake yourself off, and try harder next time. Sometimes, however, failure means more than that. Sometimes it’s a wake-up call. This Tuesday, Republican...

Administration must stop turning blind eye to greeks

Nathan James October 18, 2012

The University of Alabama is, on the whole, very strict in its enforcement of the law. Bikes that are not locked to bike racks are tagged and sometimes impounded. Cars that are parked illegally are frequently...

Consider Alabama congressional races in November election

Nathan James October 11, 2012

As Election Day approaches and the nation’s media become more and more focused on the presidential race, it’s important not to forget about the other offices to be decided this November. In particular,...

Romney’s recent remarks show ‘disdain, apathy’

Nathan James September 20, 2012

Mother Jones released a video Monday showing remarks made by Mitt Romney at a private fundraiser. These remarks, which Romney did not realize were being taped, tell us more about his character than he...

Opinion: Don't waste your chalk

Opinion: Don’t waste your chalk

Nathan James September 13, 2012

If you have chalk, five minutes and the inclination, you can create a message that will be seen by literally thousands of people on campus. And if you walk past the Quad or the Crimson Promenade on your...

Statistically speaking, you should be wary

Nathan James September 5, 2012

Paul Ryan can run a marathon in two hours and fifty minutes. It’s an impressive figure, until you learn that it’s not true. When Paul Ryan told the public about his supposed (and, if true, wildly...

Republican Party relying on conflict and negativity

Nathan James August 29, 2012

At the time of this writing, the Republican Party is trying to send a message to the American people. What they’d like to tell us is that they’re discontented, that we should be discontented, that...

Bama Theatre brings independent films to Tuscaloosa

Bama Theatre brings independent films to Tuscaloosa

Nathan James August 23, 2012

Same-sex parentage, climate change and love affairs will hit the screen of the Bama Theatre during its annual Bama Art House Film Series which began on Aug. 21 and continues until Oct. 24. The series...

Biden’s gaffes really do matter

Nathan James August 22, 2012

Vice President Joe Biden has a long and storied history of saying the wrong things. In the past, Biden has been called out for insensitive remarks on the avian flu, the vice presidency, Obama’s inauguration,...

Boycotting Chick-fil-A will not work, but symbolic demonstrations do help

Nathan James August 1, 2012

There’s something bizarrely compelling about the idea that fast-food restaurants can become entangled with hot-button social issues. In case you haven’t kept up on chicken-related current events, the...

Anderson Cooper’s sexual orientation shouldn’t cause national media frenzy

Nathan James July 11, 2012

Americans like drama. We vicariously enjoy gossip, tension and conflict, and we’re prepared to pay for the access to these things. Look on the shelves of any convenience store, and you’ll see entire...

We should question Obama’s motive

Nathan James July 3, 2012

Two weeks ago Obama used his power of executive mandate to pass into law a series of reforms covering the subject of immigration. These reforms grant de facto amnesty to immigrants who meet a number of...

Obama’s kill list raises red flags

Nathan James June 6, 2012

When a politician does something that breaks the stereotypes of their party, they’ll usually be congratulated for it. Say what you will about party politics, but Americans like to see our leaders defy...

Compassion key to solving problem of UA isolation

Nathan James April 23, 2012

Isolation a problem at UA By Nathan James   Everyone has seen at least one film or television show centered on college life. According to these media, college is a nonstop cascade of friends, enemies,...

Romney’s defensive strategy a poor choice for Republicans

Nathan James April 9, 2012

Romney is, of course, a conservative Republican; yet he has none of the typical Republican assets. He does not appear sympathetic to the working class, nor does he tout his religion or morals, nor does...

Overcrowding at UA brings quality

Nathan James March 26, 2012

It’s no secret that overcrowding exists on our campus. Since 2003, enrollment has increased by over 50 percent and shows no signs of slowing down. Even if overcrowding wasn’t reflected in statistics,...

Solution to abortion reform not through loopholes

Nathan James March 21, 2012

It’s hard to think of a topic that divides people as strongly as abortion. To the left, it’s a symbol of feminine equality and women’s liberation; to the right, it’s legalized infanticide. It...

Grand Old Party’s poor candidates a failing Republican strategy

Nathan James February 20, 2012

Republicans have been out to oust their greatest enemy, President Barack Obama, since he flattened the supposedly unbeatable McCain in the 2008 election. Mitch McConnell, the highest-ranking Republican...