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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by CW / Wesley Picard
Two people sitting at a lemonade booth with a sign reading, "lemonade 2 Dogecoin." A line of people is forming led by an angry looking woman.

[Photo] Lemonade 2 Dogecoin

Wesley Picard, Comic Artist February 17, 2022

A person yelling at a dog chewing on the letters "O" and "N." The caption reads "bad boy! Don't eat the capti"

[Photo] Bad boy! Don’t eat the capti

Wesley Picard, Comic Artist November 4, 2021

Three people attempt to open doors respectively labeled "push," pull," and "persuade."

[Photo] Push. Pull. Persuade.

Wesley Picard, Comic Artist January 19, 2022

The words "American eduction" being puppeteered by hands labeled "white supremacy, colonialism, and euro-centrism."

[Photo] American education

Wesley Picard, Comic Artist October 21, 2021

Two icebergs talking, one tells the other "just let her know there's so much more to you beneath the surface."

[Photo] Iceberg dating advice

Wesley Picard, Comic Artist October 30, 2021

Three witches on brooms watch a witch show off her vacuum.

[Photo] Happy Halloween!

Wesley Picard, Comic Artist October 30, 2021