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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Buddy Acker

Nintendo’s JPRG ‘Xenoblade Chronicles’ a fun, satisfying gaming experience

Buddy Acker November 1, 2012

I can’t believe Xenoblade Chronicles almost didn’t make it to America. What was Nintendo thinking? The Wii can’t boast many JRPGs period (the only ones I can think of are Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn...

Worthwhile, interesting games can be found for cheap, even free sometimes

Buddy Acker October 18, 2012

Two video games, “Dishonored” and “XCOM: Enemy Unknown” released last week. I want to play both of them. I mean, I really want to play both of them. I want to buy both of them. The thing is, my...

Darksiders II ‘basically a carbon copy’ of the popular game Zelda

Buddy Acker August 29, 2012

By Buddy Acker Contributing Writer Holy Zelda, Batman! That thought actually crossed my mind while I was playing Darksiders II, which is a lovely tribute to my favorite video game series of all time....

Video-game journalism about more than ‘just sitting around, playing games’

Buddy Acker April 19, 2012

  I hear it all the time from my family and friends. They tell me it isn't smart to pursue a career in video-game journalism. They say that I'm chasing major disappointment. No one will ever take me...

An inside look at ‘Incursion’

Buddy Acker April 4, 2012

Text-based adventure games have all but disappeared these days. The folks over at Cube Noir are aware of that fact, and they're looking to recapture that old school feeling with their upcoming game “Incursion.”...

BioWare delivers in final chapter of saga

BioWare delivers in final chapter of saga

Buddy Acker March 22, 2012

BioWare made one major promise when it first announced the “Mass Effect” series: over the course of three games, there would be an element of choice never before seen in video games. Gamers would have...

SoulCalibur V disappoints

SoulCalibur V disappoints

Buddy Acker March 7, 2012

I was very much looking forward to SoulCalibur V. I am a big fan of the series. My favorite entry, the second, completely redefined what a fighting game could be. The third and fourth entries were both...

Video games are more than a distraction, they're art

Video games are more than a distraction, they’re art

Buddy Acker February 22, 2012

My life revolves around video games. I remember playing games such as Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Mega Man X, Super Mario World and Riven as a child, and I knew, even back then, that I wanted to devote my life...