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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Students should respect environment

Letter to the Editor November 2, 2011

By Ethan Chavers   Due to the lack of concern on the part of UA students, the areas around the dorm buildings have been covered with trash and litter. It concerns me that the students of The University...

The ‘Game of the Century’

Tray Smith November 2, 2011

Tomorrow, a friend of mine who attends Georgetown University will arrive in the Deep South for his first time. He is flying to the Birmingham airport so he can be in Tuscaloosa for this weekend’s “Game...

Black Warrior River must be saved

Letter to the Editor November 2, 2011

By Shashank Wattal In 2011, American Rivers ranked the Black Warrior River eighth on its 10 Most Endangered Rivers list. Due to lack of public interest and awareness, there isn't enough pressure on the...

Safety is a two-way street

Jessica Bailey November 1, 2011

As a disabled student on campus, I drive to class. This puts me in a constant struggle on the road with my peers. As pedestrians, they seem to believe they have the right of way, everywhere, always. Not...

A letter to The University of Alabama student body and SGA

Letter to the Editor November 1, 2011

Quite frankly, I am disappointed in the actions of many of my fellow colleagues, peers and, most importantly, friends. The tampering of First Year Council applications represents a display of great individualism...

Defeating fall

Letter to the Editor November 1, 2011

  In the late fall, many of us are prone to depression that is traceable to the changing of seasons. We become more sedentary as the days become shorter and colder. But, one incident in particular this...

Alabama vs. LSU for Dummies

Brad Tipper November 1, 2011

The college football season as we know it has essentially been boiled down to this weekend: Alabama vs. LSU. “The Super Bowl of College Football” is what’s being thrown around as the unofficial,...

Abolish the SGA, Start Anew

Wesley Vaughn November 1, 2011

Our Student Government Association—in which I only include the Senate and executive branch—has functioned as a primary campus-dividing force through its disproportionate makeup, questionable policies...

The Male Gender and Fantasy Football

Tyler Rigdon October 31, 2011

The average male goes through his daily life juggling many relationships. There are the relationships with friends. There are professional and family relationships. There are relationships with significant...

Get rid of traffic signs

Adam Morgan October 31, 2011

Last week, John Davis revealed the high number of accidents related to students who have been hit by vehicles on campus in his article “Stop hitting people with your cars.” Just this year, 15 incidents...

Students must strive to fulfill Capstone Creed

Michael Patrick October 31, 2011

“As a member of the University of Alabama community, I will pursue knowledge; act with fairness, honesty, and respect; foster individual and civic responsibility; and strive for excellence.” -The...

Some tattoos are better left in the mind

Michael Patrick October 24, 2011

Tattooing has been a common form of body modification for centuries, and in many parts of the world it serves as a religious or cultural tradition. Tattoos in America were once viewed as a form of rebellion...