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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


There’s nothing wrong with me: A case for introversion on a socialite campus

Tarif Haque September 25, 2012

I don’t know if I chose to be like this or if college made me like this. I come home to a single room every evening and pull out a planner that neatly lays out the week to come. It doesn’t feel right,...

Roll Tide: ‘It’s not crazy and it’s not just sports. It’s a culture, a way of life’

Hannah Waid September 25, 2012

Upon my recent visit to Chicago for my cousin’s wedding, I wasn’t too surprised to hear someone say “Roll Tide” from the back of the plane as it landed, seeing as we had departed from Birmingham....

The unintelligence of teaching intelligent design in state

Henry Downes September 25, 2012

According to a recent Gallup poll, about 46 percent of Americans don’t believe in evolution. Apparently, the Alabama Department of Education isn’t quite sold on it yet either. Besides claiming that...

Obama fiddles amid international crisis

Robert Frye September 24, 2012

If Roman legend can be believed, in 54 A.D., then-emperor Nero played the fiddle as he watched his city burn to the ground. This tale is repudiated by most as utterly false; however, it serves as an analogy...

Obama’s health law shifts costs to young Americans

Ryan Sprinkle September 23, 2012

The Crimson White has recently published several touching stories and columns about the impact of President Obama’s health insurance reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)....

Save workout clothes for workouts

The Crimson White RSS feed September 23, 2012

by Molly Cory The first thing I noticed when I stepped onto this campus for a visit last spring was the attire that seemed customary for most of the female students. Oversized T-shirt, Nike Tempo shorts,...

UA’s new Starbucks: ingenious or excessive?

Amber Patterson September 20, 2012

Every morning on The University of Alabama campus, students witness an abundance of common factors: packed buses, deadlocked traffic, sleep deprived students glued to their iPods and the infamous Starbucks...

Reflecting on FYC gate, one year later

Tray Smith September 20, 2012

One year ago this Sunday, Grant Cochran resigned as The University of Alabama’s Student Government Association president. He was the first SGA president to resign in over 60 years and stepped down in...

Romney’s recent remarks show ‘disdain, apathy’

Nathan James September 20, 2012

Mother Jones released a video Monday showing remarks made by Mitt Romney at a private fundraiser. These remarks, which Romney did not realize were being taped, tell us more about his character than he...

Charity and service fueled by benefits

Tara Massouleh September 19, 2012

“With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a new pair of shoes to a child in need.” “For every retweet, Arby’s will give a $1 to Children’s Hospital.” “Donate $5 to the Humane Society...

Romney’s recent mishaps prove his inability to lead

Austin Gaddis September 19, 2012

While the Obama campaign may not have started publicly promoting their victory party for November just yet, I’m sure they’ve at least bought the champagne. At a time when many in the political world...

In response to, “Don’t waste your chalk”

Letter to the Editor September 19, 2012

On Thursday, Sept. 13, there was an “interesting” opinion piece in The Crimson White. I say “interesting” not because I found this argument particularly insightful or intelligent, but rather because...