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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


UAB deserves an on-campus stadium

Kyle Simpson June 3, 2015

When the University of Alabama at Birmingham announced Monday that it was bringing its football program back, merely six months after cutting it, I had mixed emotions. First and foremost, I was excited...

Corruption in sports just part of the game

Corruption in sports just part of the game

Joe Puchner June 3, 2015

“And with regard to the actions of all men, and especially with princes where there is no court of appeal, we must look at the final result.... the ordinary people are always taken by the appearance...

Use summer as time to grow

Madelyn Schorr June 3, 2015

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with summer. I love that for three months of the year my life doesn’t revolve around school, but I hate not seeing my friends every day. I love watching endless...

Lottery will brighten Alabama’s future

Kyle Simpson May 27, 2015

With the state of Alabama facing a severe budget shortfall and a Republican state legislature that would probably rather praise ObamaCare than raise taxes even slightly, things are looking bad for Alabama’s...

Arguments against Patriot Act reforms 'weak,' unfounded

Eric Roddy May 27, 2015

As I made my return journey to Tuscaloosa this past weekend down Highway 43 and through the town of Haleyville, I found myself searching for something on the radio to occupy my time. Settling on NPR, I...

Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen

Hamilton Bloom April 21, 2015

College is supposed to be the time in our lives where we seek to challenge the status quo. We, as college students, are given the responsibility to find issues that we are passionate about and look to...

Face the challenge of UA's contradictions

Andy McWhorter April 21, 2015

Four years ago, I drove from my hometown of Birmingham to Tuscaloosa, a place that, on reflection, I still don’t think I fully understand. The student body of The University of Alabama, like that of...

Above all, have empathy

Patrick Crowley April 21, 2015

By Patrick Crowley | Opinions EditorI don’t like to beat around the bush, and I’m not going to start on my 
last column.I remember the days after “The Final Barrier” article was printed in The...

Say Yes to Every Opportunity

Emily Meineke April 21, 2015

When the opportunity presented itself to write this column, I wasn’t sure I would have anything worthwhile to say. However, after thinking about it, I thought, “Why wouldn’t I do this?” Even if...

Changing Perspectives

John Pounders April 21, 2015

By the close of your senior year, you take a moment to do a life check. All of those goals you entertained through childhood and adolescence are approaching their deadlines, and it’s time to do some...

Memories of an old building on University

Mackenzie Brown April 21, 2015

By Mackenzie Brown | Guest ColumnistI’ve always feared writing 
this column.I knew it was coming from the moment I accepted my first position at The Crimson White. The CW was different back then. A...

A lesson from Authur Pendragon

Mary Wills April 19, 2015

On September 21, 2014, mass panic, confusion and fear consumed our student body. The initial threat made to The University of Alabama from Authur Pendragon sparked a wave of unrelenting rumors spread by...