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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


How the modern Christian church creates college atheists

Matthew Gillham September 4, 2015

More than 70% of college students who regularly attended church in high school leave in college. Why? “Universities are secular hotbeds with biased professors aiming to abolish religion.” “Their...

College is the time to learn how to budget

Anna Scott Lovejoy September 4, 2015

We all come into college with long and short-term goals. Whether I am merely trying to get my laundry done and run over to Publix for groceries or I am researching ideal internships for my next two summers...

America ahead of Europe on IVF, immigration policy

Kyle Simpson September 3, 2015

In many areas of public policy, one could argue the United States is far less progressive than countries in the European Union. We’ve become used to hearing how the U.S. is behind our neighbors across...

Roads and rumbling stomachs: Tuscaloosa faces growing pains

Ben Jackson September 2, 2015

Tuscaloosa is growing, quickly. Last week I visited the new Fresh Market, one of the crowning jewels of Legacy Park, a $55 million project at the intersection of McFarland and 13th street. Across the street...

Medium fries with a side of reality

Almosa Pirela-Jones August 31, 2015

By Almosa Pirela-Jones | Staff ColumnistSummer break has drawn to a hasty close, and students have traded in their beach towels and sunglasses for textbooks and Starbucks cups. All the trappings of fall...

Shoot, write, rinse, repeat

Mark Hammontree August 31, 2015

While college football fans around the country salivate in anticipation of the 2015 season, families across the country mourn the loss of loved ones as a result of a gunfire.You probably have heard by...

Opposing Views: Is feminism for everyone?

Leigh Terry August 31, 2015

Last Friday, the University of Alabama Feminist Caucus (UAFC) held a rally titled “Celebrating Women.” Afterward, one of its attendees, anti-abortion proponent Ruth Bishop, posed this question to our...

Anti-abortion not furthering cause

Cassidy Ellis, Lindsay Macher August 31, 2015

Feminism: a movement to end sexism and sexist oppression. This is how bell hooks, one of the most influential black feminist thinkers of our time, defines feminism. Feminism has been defined in various...

Feminism includes pro-life beliefs

Ruth Bishop August 31, 2015

Last Friday, I attended the UA Feminist Caucus’ rally and was met by a diverse array of students, including many men. This heterogeneous mix of students scattered about the Ferg promenade could be touted...

Students should take advantage of university programming while they can

Eric Roddy August 31, 2015

As I sat in the Ferguson Theater Saturday afternoon, several thoughts occurred to me. First, I was totally captured by the edgy but still politically correct, passionate rhetoric of Lilly Ledbetter. Second,...

Want to know what budget cuts look like? Furlough workers now and see

Kyle Campbell August 31, 2015

Feb. 26, 2015 is the day Robert Bentley stopped acting like a Tuscaloosa dermatologist and started acting like the governor of Alabama. When state Senator Bill Holtzclaw (R-Madison) put up a billboard...

Reflecting on Northwestern Football’s failed union bid, and what it means for Alabama

Meghan Dorn August 28, 2015

I wonder what the mood was like in the Mal Moore Athletic Complex on August 17th, when the National Labor Relations Board announced that Northwestern football players would not be able to unionize. Was...