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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


YouA uses YouTube, blogs for UA news

Hannah Mask February 11, 2010

YouA, a new organization formed by several UA students aims to allow students to post broadcasted blogs from their own computers or on-location sites. The organization is not affiliated with the University,...

Alabama applies for Race to the Top funds

Alabama applies for Race to the Top funds

Taylor Holland February 11, 2010

In July 2009, President Barack Obama announced that states setting an example on school reform would be eligible to compete for $4.35 billion in his Race to the Top program’s competitive grants. The...

UA’s LITE trains tutors

Patty Vaughan February 11, 2010

The Literacy is the Edge, or LITE, campaign is in full swing this semester, training more than 200 students in tutoring children and adults around West Alabama to read. Last semester, LITE recruited more...

Contributions to UA continue

Amanda Bayhi February 11, 2010

Despite the current condition of the economy, the University is continuing to receive monetary donations from alumni and other UA fans. Pam Parker, vice president for advancement said most of the money...

Date auction supports scholarships

Lindsey Shelton February 11, 2010

Students can buy some time with campus leaders, athletes and fellow students on Thursday. The Student Government Association and the UA chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers will host a date...

Professor dies after bout with brain cancer

Haley Herfurth February 10, 2010

After a four-year battle with brain cancer, Robert Young, an English associate professor at the University, passed away on Jan. 31 at 42. Young, who specialized in contemporary black literary and cultural...

UA student wins cash on Jeopardy

UA student wins cash on Jeopardy

Hannah Mask February 10, 2010

A UA student competed in the 2010 Jeopardy College Championship, which aired on Feb. 2, said Mary Wymer, UA spokeswoman. Will Warren, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering, said he ended up winning...

Announcements for 2/10/2010

CW Staff February 10, 2010

Genealogy event to be held Saturday In celebration of Black History Month, the UA Black Faculty and Staff Association and the department of race and gender studies present “Researching African American...

Black History Month affects all cultures

Brittney Knox February 10, 2010

Months are designated for AIDS awareness, breast cancer and Hispanic heritage, but this month – as with every February – it is set aside to commemorate Black History Month. Although the month is designated...

AdTeam campaigns for State Farm

Jennie Kushner February 10, 2010

A group of UA students are putting their advertising skills to the test as they seek a national crown of their own. Last year, the Ad Team lost a close race to New York University in the annual national...

Cyclists bike for awareness

Katy Turnbull February 10, 2010

Wearing torn sheets, ripped T-shirts and bandages covered in fake blood, students, faculty and other local cyclists participating in the Bandaged Bike Ride, will meet at the steps of Gorgas Library at...

UA Libraries sponsors book collecting contest

CW Staff February 10, 2010

Student book collectors are invited to participate in the University Libraries’ fourth annual book collecting contest this spring. Contest winners will receive cash prizes and a one-year membership in...