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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Possible coal mine permit threatens local water quality

Taylor Holland September 2, 2010

The Alabama Surface Mining Commission is currently considering a permit that would allow strip mining for coal along the Mulberry Fork of the Black Warrior River near Cordova. The University of Alabama...

All applicants receive block seating

All applicants receive block seating

Charles Scarborough September 2, 2010

The Student Organization Seating Committee finalized its seating section Thursday, with block newcomers Honors College Assembly, Alpha Phi Alpha and Air Force ROTC, among others, claiming prominent spots...

Some students dislike lack of meal plan options

Some students dislike lack of meal plan options

Jennie Kushner September 2, 2010

According to, Meal Plans offer students easy access to conveniently located great-tasting meal options on campus. Some students disagree. “The Meal Plan is just as, if not more, unconstitutional...

UA Air Force detachment teaches students respect, discipline

UA Air Force detachment teaches students respect, discipline

Anna Kate Delevan September 2, 2010

With over 130 cadets, the University of Alabama's Air Force ROTC Detachment 010 prepares young college students to become well-trained Air Force Officers. The cadets live by their core values, “Integrity...

Million Dollar Band prepares for first game

Million Dollar Band prepares for first game

Brittney Knox September 2, 2010

The Million Dollar Band has seen some changes this year, with new uniforms and a new show, which they will debut Saturday at the Tide’s first football game of the 2010 season. “This is the 98th year...

Semester parking passes offer students alternative

Taylor Holland September 2, 2010

The SGA has introduced semester-long parking permits designed to help students with the rising costs of parking permits on campus, as well as accommodate their schedules. The permits, which are available...

Constitution Revision Committee tackles SGA Constitution

Will Tucker September 2, 2010

After the SGA Senate’s comprehensive review and overhaul of the SGA Code of Laws near the end of the 2009-10 academic year, the SGA has driven into a second, larger initiative to start the 2010-11 year...

Community Service Center hosts volunteer expo

Cate Kennedy September 2, 2010

The Community Service Center will host its annual Volunteer Expo, which is intended to inform students about local and national nonprofit organizations. The event will be today on the second floor of...

Student veterans talk about end of Iraq war

Jaley Cranford September 1, 2010

President Barack Obama declared an end to the Iraq conflict mission in his address to the nation on Tuesday. During the prime-time address from the Oval Office, Obama voiced his support for those who gave...

Gubernatorial debate to be held at UA

Charles Scarborough September 1, 2010 The University of Alabama will be hosting the first gubernatorial debate between Republican candidate Dr. Robert Bentley and Democratic candidate and Agriculture Commissioner...

ATO honored by national board

ATO honored by national board

Sydney Holtzclaw September 1, 2010

After four years of working to be the best, the 2007 pledge class of the Beta Delta chapter of Alpha Tau Omega achieved their goal of being named Top Chapter by the National Alpha Tau Omega Board. ATO...

Natter speaks about Foreign Service

Ashanka Kumari September 1, 2010

For about 20 students, Room 300 of the Ferguson Center was a gateway to international opportunities Tuesday afternoon. Foreign Service Officer John Natter delivered a speech about how a student can enter...