Q&A | Jack Steinmetz is your only option for VP for student affairs

Jack Steinmetz, a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering, is running unopposed for the position.

Photo courtesy of SGA. Graphic CW / Leah Goggins

Grace Schepis | @GraceSchepisCW, Staff Reporter

How did you originally get involved with the Student Government Association (SGA)? 

I originally got involved in SGA at Alabama when I was lucky enough to be selected for First Year Council.

What made you want to run for this position? 

I’ve been involved in SGA throughout my time at Alabama, and especially this past year when I served as a senator.

What makes you the best choice for this office? 

I’ve served the past two years in our student government, and I’ve been working every day to make somebody’s life better. I’m a member of the University Fellows experience as well as the Capstone Men and Women, and as a result I have an ability to recognize a lot of issues on our campus.

What’s your opinion on the election being uncontested? 

I’m of the belief that every single candidate is extremely qualified. I’ve worked alongside each of these candidates, you know, throughout my years in SGA, and really since my first day, and I cannot think of anybody better for these respective positions.

What’s the biggest problem you see on campus? 

This year I’ve had an opportunity to serve as a mentor to many freshmen, and every time we have talked they shared with me that they’re struggling with mental health.

What do you hope to accomplish in this position? 

I hope to be there to support them with the mental health aspect, work with that council to input programming to address mental health issues on our campus, but also wants students to get involved on our campus. 

What’s one last thing you want voters to know about you? 

I simply want voters to know that I care deeply about all the students on our campus, and also the University as a whole.